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Written by Débora Rodrigo de Racancoj
It is easy to find some guidance tables that doctors and other professionals make available to parents and educators that show how many hours of sleep a day are needed for an average child, according to his or her age. Professionals know and insist on the importance of rest for people, especially for children. It is a key piece in their development. It makes them grow healthy and develop properly.
We, as Christians, are also in constant growth and development (Phil. 1: 6). Rest for our spirit is also fundamental for us, just as physical rest is for children.
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What is it that refreshes your spirit? For me, one of those things is hiking. I miss living in Colorado. I could just pop over into the mountains and go for a hike—breathing the fresh air, communing with our Creator, and stepping away from the noise of life.
Here in Arkansas, Petit Jean mountain is the closest I can come to hiking in the mountains. And I love it. Pictured here is the waterfall as seen from the bottom of one of the hikes—my view during a picnic lunch.
When I can’t get away for a hike, I enjoy looking at pictures of the mountains, waterfalls, and other scenes in nature that remind me that the Creator is the ultimate designer and that He is in control.
This refreshment does not come exclusively in nature...
A student who attends a weekly devotional that I facilitate texted me the other day, bummed that she was not going to be able to join us for the study that day. “I will miss the Bible study today. It always fills my heart.” She, and the other girls, leave each week refreshed.
There are three key elements that we share in together, providing that spiritual refreshment:
• Time in the Word of God, discussing, learning, and reminding ourselves of God’s truths.
• Fellowship with other Christian sisters.
• Prayer.
Make an appointment with God and with a Christian sister today for a time of refreshment!