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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR 72145
IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.
Past Events
January 26-28: Ladies Retreat: "Women’s Spiritual Health", Hardin Valley CofC, Pigeon Forge, TN
February 3 - Trilingual IRSM Prayer Month Virtual Event - "Committed to Prayer" (Eng/SPAN/Port)
February 23-24 IRSM Ministry booth at BLOOM Conference, Searcy, AR
February 24 - IRSM Prayer Month Prayer-a-thon
March 30 -Virtual Ladies Class "Building your house on The Rock" (Spanish) with CoC in Guanacaste, Honduras
March 29-31 - Ladies' Class by Beliza Kocev - Ser uma Mulher que Ouve e Pratica, Grande Ceia Conference, Cajazeiras - Brazil
April 12-13 IRSM Ministry booth at Women Walking With God Conference, Maize, KS
April 19-20 - O Encontro de Mulheres do Sul in Gramado, Brazil. Ministry table and Ministry presentation by Beliza Kocev.
May 18 - IRSM Hosted Virtual Event in Spanish "Discípulas Comprometidas, Mateo 27:55-56" presented by Michelle J. Goff.
June 15 - IRSM Hosted Virtual Event in Portuguese "Discípulas Comprometidas, Mateus 27:55-56" presented by Michelle J. Goff and Beliza Kocev
July 27 - Ladies' Day in Zipaquirá, Colombia - "Refinada y Redefinida" by Liliana Henríquez, IRSM Ambassador and Speaker
August 13-18 - Spanish-Portuguese Ladies' Retreat "Comprometidas com Cristo" - Foz de Iguaçu - Brazil, presented by Michelle J. Goff and Beliza Kocev
August 17 - IRSM Hosted Virtual Event in Spanish "Vivir una vida comprometidas con Cristo", presented by Nila Garcia and Jenny Sánchez.
August 20 - Ladies' Class with AME students "Responsabilidade como disciplina espiritual", João Pessoa, Brazil, presented by Michelle J. Goff and Beliza Kocev
August 22-25 - NE Women's Conference "Florescendo na Graça", Jardim, Brazil, presented by Michelle J. Goff and Beliza Kocev
August 27 - Ministry Presentation at EBNSER "O que é uma Irmã Rosa de Ferro?" - Recife, Brazil
September 22 - All Missions Fellowship Class "Geographic and Demographic, Domestic and Foreign Missions" - Arkansas
October 5 - Trilingual IRSM Virtual Event - "A Committed to Listening" (Eng/SPAN/Port)
October 8 - Missions Class at Harding University, Searcy, AR
October 18 - HUT AIM Venezuelan Birthday Party Experience, AR
October 25-27 - "Committed to Christ" Ladies' Conference at Rochester CoC, MN
November 14 - Virtual class for the Bible study wrap up of the book Who Has the Last Word? by Michelle J. Goff - Spanish
January 13-14 - Bentonville CoC Ladies' Retreat, "Standing at the CrossRoads" (video for lesson 1, lesson 2, lesson 3, lesson 4)
February 4 - Trilingual IRSM Prayer Month Virtual meeting - "Prayer and Communication in Relationships" (Eng/Span/Port)
February 24 - IRSM Prayer-a-thon
February 28 - IRSM One-hour Virtual Prayer Meeting - "One Voice in Prayer"
March 3-4 - "Sisters Connected in Christ" Memorial CoC Bilingual Sisters' Weekend - Houston, TX
April 14-15 - "Loving and Leading Others with the Bible" & "Normalizing Singleness", WWWG Conference - Wichita, KS
April 20 - IRSM booth at Ladies' Lectureship Retreat - ATL
May 13 - "If Jesus met me for tea" West Side CoC Tea Party - Searcy, AR
May 20 - "Teaching and learning through relationships" Virtual MHRH Workshop (Spanish)
May 31 - Presentation of IRSM and its partnership with LAMP Publishing for the Angola Luso-African Encounter - Eastside Church of Christ, Colorado Springs, CO
June 1-5 - Iron Rose Sister Ministries (MIRF for its initials in Portuguese) participated in the Luso-African Encounter with 12 sessions for women in Angola, Africa.
June 9-10 - Bilingual Ladies Retreat (Eng-Span) "Women's Spiritual Health" at Longmont CoC in CO
July 15 - IRSM and WWWG Community Virtual Workshop "The Key to Loving and Leading with the Bible: Relationships" by Michelle J. Goff
August 7-26 - Michelle J. Goff and Beliza Da Silva in Brazil during the first trip to the country visiting churches, participating in Conferences, making connections, and seeing the first batch of Chamada a Escutar printed by our partnership with EBNSER. For more details, read our article shared on News & Past Events section.
September 15-17 - IRSM Board and Team members met in person for planning the future steps of the ministry. - Searcy,
September 22-23 - Global Missions Experiences - Michelle J. Goff taught the class "Serving as a Single Missionary" 4 times!! - Floral, AR
September 24-27 - Harding University Lectureship - Ministry table and Class by Michelle J. Goff - Searcy, AR
October 13-14 - Women's Spiritual Health Ladies' Workshop, (Eng-Span) Rochester CoC, Rochester, MN
October 26 - Women's Ministry Class "Normalizing Singleness, One Single Reason" Harding University, Searcy, AR
November 7-11 - Michelle J. Goff was recording training videos for sisters in Latin America with the team in Honduras (Stay tuned for the publication of these materials)
November 13-15 - "We Believe in the Great I AM" a 3-Day Seminar, taught by Michelle J. Goff and Wendy Neill in Monte Llano, Suchitepéquez, Guatemala. (In association with Health Talents International )
November 17-21 - Michelle J. Goff teaching at the Baxter Institute and the Kennedy congregation in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.
December 2 - IRSM/ Ministério Irmã Rosa de Ferro hosted virtual event - "Ensinando e aprendendo através dos relacionamentos" - Michelle J. Goff and Beliza Kocev
January 8 - Virtual Ladies Class with Grupo Mujeres de Fe con Esperanza “Unashamed of the Gospel (Rom. 1:16-17)” (Spanish)
January 15 - IRSM Virtual Ladies Class “Our Story in God” (bilingual) (video)
January 22 - Virtual Workshop with Formingme Group "Florece" (Spanish) - Honduras
January 23 - All Missions Fellowship Conference – Harding University – Searcy, AR
January 24 - World Christian Class Guest Lecture – Harding University, – Searcy, AR
February 5 - IRSM Virtual Ladies Class “Our Prayer Stories” (bilingual)
February 18 - BLOOM Conference Keynote “Unashamedly Unveiled” and Small Group sessions “Creatively Crafting Bible Stories" and "Creatively Narrating Your Own Story.” at Harding University, – Searcy, AR
February 21 - Virtual Ladies Class with Englewood Church of Christ “The Power of the Gospel in Your Story” (Spanish)
March 5 - IRSM Virtual Ladies Class “How to Lead Small Groups” (Spanish) – By Liliana Henriquez
March 25 - Women of Hope Conference (bilingual), Nashville, TN
March 31 - COBAM Tabernacle– Women in Ministry…IRSM – Searcy, AR
April 1 - Be1 Experience @ Arlington, TX - Booth
April 2 - IRSM Virtual Ladies Workshop How to Lead Small Groups (English) – By Katie Forbess (video)
April 21 - Harding University Class - Approaches to Women Ministry - Reaching Singles through Women's Ministry – Searcy, AR
April 26 - Human and Holy Virtual Wrap-up Class – Central Church of Christ in Huntsville
May 7 - IRSM Virtual Ladies Workshop “Big Picture of Bible Story” (Spanish) – By Amanda Nitsch
May 20 - Ladies Conference West University CoC - "Unashamedly Unveiled" (Romans 1:16-17), Houston, TX
May 28 - Virtual Ladies Conference with Palavecino Church of Christ “Peace, one of the attributes of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, Galatians 5:22-23” (Spanish)
June 4 - IRSM Virtual Ladies Workshop “Big Picture of Bible Story” (English) - By Amanda Nitsch (video)
June 30 - Conferencias Bíblicas del Golfo - Houston, TX - Booth
July 9 - IRSM Virtual Ladies Workshop - How to Prepare a Bible Class (Spanish) - By Michelle J. Goff and Débora Rodrigo
July 30 - IRSM Follow up Meeting - How to Prepare a Bible Class Workshop (Spanish)
August 6 - IRSM Virtual Ladies Workshop - How to Prepare a Bible Class - By Michelle J. Goff and Débora Rodrigo (video)
August 20 - IRSM Follow up Meeting - How to Prepare a Bible Class Workshop (English)
September 09-10 - Soft Launch of the Portuguese Ministry: Bilingual (English-Portuguese) and Hybrid Women's Retreat at The Springs CoC, Coral Springs, FL
September 10 - IRSM Virtual Ladies Workshop "Sharing HIStories" - By Johana Batres and Brenda Brizendine (Spanish)
September 23-24 - CoC Singing Oaks "Stops at the Crossroads" Women's Retreat, Denton, TX
September 25-28 - Harding University Lectureship, Searcy, AR (Ministry Table)
October 1 - IRSM Virtual Ladies Workshop "Sharing HIStories" - By Jocelynn and Chrystal Goff (video)
October 20 - Virtual Ladies Class: I already Am Wrap-up, Bible study Small Group in Bogotá, Colombia
November 4-6 - IRSM Destination Retreat 2022 "Celebrating God's Story" in Conway, AR
November 19 - IRSM Ladies' Virtual Class (English-Portuguese) "Celebrando a história de Deus/ Celebrating God’s Story"
December 3 - IRSM Virtual Ladies' Class (English-Spanish) "Let's Celebrate!" by Sabrina Campos (video)
January 9 - IRSM "Redefined" Ladies Virtual Monthly Bilingual Class
January 29 - Latin American Missions, “Reaching Others in Latin America”, Harding University, Searcy, AR
February 7 - All Missions Fellowship, "Presentation of Iron Rose Sister Ministries" Harding University, Searcy, AR
February 13 - IRSM Ladies Virtual Monthly Bilingual Class "Redefined by Prayer"
February 27 - Ladies virtual class, "Called to Listen" – Colombia (Spanish)
March 13 - IRSM Monthly Virtual Bilingual Ladies Class "Priorities Redefined"
March 27 - Ladies Virtual Class, “Influence, 2 Cor. 10: 13-18” with Mujeres de Fe con Esperanza, we are 500 strong (Spanish)
April 03 - Ladies virtual class, “Do the opposite” with Grupo de Crecimiento (Spanish)
April 10 - IRSM Monthly Virtual Bilingual Ladies Class "Joy Redefined"
May 04 - Called to Listen Bible study kickoff, CofC in Corquín, Honduras (Spanish)
May 8 - IRSM Monthly Virtual Bilingual Ladies Class "Relationships Redefined"
May 25 - SALISI prayer call "Seeking strength in His presence"
May 29 - Virtual Ladies Class "Redefined Priorities", Los Colores Congregation, Colombia (Spanish)
June 12 - IRSM Monthly Virtual Bilingual Ladies Class "Attitude Redefined"
June 26 - Ladies Virtual Class "Emotional intelligence based on the Bible", Floridablanca CofC, Colombia (Spanish)
July 04 - Gulf Conferences - Booth
July 10 - IRSM Ladies Virtual Monthly Bilingual Class "Redefined Communication"
July 24 - Virtual meeting of young ladies "Falling in love with Jesus", Los Colores Congregation, Colombia (Spanish)
August 14 - IRSM Monthly Virtual Bilingual Ladies Class "Redefined by Holiness"
September 11 - IRSM Monthly Virtual Bilingual Ladies Class "Redefined Culture"
September 14 - Virtual Conversation "Singleness and the Christian Life" (Spanish)
September 16 - Taco Fundraising Dinner: Presentation of Iron Rose Sister Ministries, Searcy, AR
September 26 - Harding University Lectureship, “One Single Reason: Serving God as a Single” Class and Booth
October 9 - IRSM Monthly Virtual Bilingual Ladies’ Class "Redefined Identity"
October 16 - DFW Area Bilingual Ladies Day, Woodland West CofC, Arlington, TX
October 30 - Ladies Virtual Class "Emotional Intelligence Based on the Bible", Salitre CofC, Colombia
November 5 – Destination Retreat "Identity Redefined" (Postponed: Nov. 4-6, 2022)
November 06 - Ladies Day Virtual Workshop "Redefined Identity"
December 11 - IRSM Monthly Virtual Bilingual Ladies Class "Redefined by Gratitude"
December 18 – Virtual Ladies Class, Inland Valley, CA (Spanish)
January 26 - Videoconference: Día de Mujeres, Nicaragua
February 4 - Women’s Class at College CoC, Searcy, AR.
February 21-22 - Bloom Conference at Harding University, Searcy, AR. (Booth)
March 7 - Conway County Ladies’ Day, Downtown CoC, Morrilton, AR.
March 21 - Women’s Day by Little Hands, Big Hearts at Trujillo, Honduras (Postponed due to COVID-19)
March 26-28 - Three-day Ladies’ Seminar at BICA, School of Preaching, San Pedro Sula, Honduras (Postponed due to COVID-19)
April 11 – Videoconference “Victorious and Joyful in Battle: Psalm 20”
April 18 - Videoconference “Victoriosas y Gozosas en la batalla: Salmo 20”
April 17-18 - WWWG, Wichita, KS. (Booth) (Postponed due to COVID-19)
April 17-18 de abril - Be 1 Experience Conference, Arlington, TX. (Booth) (Postponed due to COVID-19)
April 25 - Rose City Community Church of Christ, Little Rock, AR. (Booth) (Postponed due to COVID-19)
May 23 - Videoconference “Victoriosas y Gozosas en la batalla: Salmo 20”
May 30 - Videoconference “Victoriosas y Gozosas en la batalla: Salmo 20”
May 30 - First International Fellowship “Mujeres de Fe”: El Gozo del Señor en toda circunstancia”, Iglesia de Cristo Congregacion Miramonte.
June 18 – Videoconference: Ladies’ Day “Las sobras de Cristo en Éxodo”, Northwest CoC, Houston, TX
June 20 – Videoconference: “¿A qué nos invitan los Salmos?”, Grupo de Crecimiento Online
June 20 - Videoconference for singles “Soltera y me encanta, mayormente”
June 27 - Videoconference “Cristo en Éxodo”, Iglesia de Cristo Funza
July 4 - Videoconference “¿Cuál de las hermanas era más valiente?”, Iglesia de Cristo Panamericana, Panamá.
July 11- Videoconference “La confianza en Dios en medio de la crisis”, Grupo de Crecimiento Online
July 15-17 - International Conference of Christian Women, Abilene, TX. - (Postponed due to COVID-19)
July 16-19 – EQUIP Conference, Orlando, FL. (Booth) (Postponed due to COVID-19)
July 18-23 – Youth Conference and Ladies’ Day in Cuba (Postponed due to COVID-19)
July 24 - Videoconference “Llamada a Escuchar: El Buen Pastor”, Iglesia de Cristo Cusco, Perú.
July 25 - Videoconference “Cordón de 3 dobleces: Mi motivación viene de…” by Katie Forbess, IRSM Board President, Grupo de Crecimiento Online.
July 30 - Videoconference “La oración nuestro termómetro espiritual”, Instituto Baxter, Honduras
August 1 - Videoconference “Cordón de 3 dobleces: “Animando una a la otra cuando no es fácil” by Katie Forbess, IRSM Board President, Grupo de Crecimiento Online.
August 10 - Videoconference “El ánimo” Iglesia de Cristo, Memphis, TN.
August 29 - Videoconference “Psalm 25: God’s Guidance for the Lonely” by Wendy Neill, IRSM Advancement Coordinator.
August 28-29 – Ladies’ Day, Caldwell, ID. (Postponed due to COVID-19)
September 19 – e-Petal Videoconference: “Heaven on the Horizon” by Wendy Neill, IRSM Advancement Coordinator.
September 24-26– Prayer Symposium, Mujeres de Excelencia Little Rock, AR. (Postponed due to COVID-19)
September 27-30 – Class for single ladies, Harding University Lectureship, Searcy, AR. (Postponed due to COVID-19, new date in 2021)
October 10 – Videoconference: Ladies’ Day “La oración: Nuestro termómetro espiritual." México.
October 17 – Videoconference: Women’s Conference “Una Parte del Todo”, Sucre, Bolivia.
October 22 – Videoconference: “Wearing God Glasses” by Wendy Neill, IRSM Advancement Coordinator
October 16-18 – Bilingual Ladies’ Day, Waterloo, Canadá (Postponed due to COVID-19)
October 24 - Bilingual Ladies’ Day, Sylvan Hills CoC, Sherwood, AR. (Postponed due to COVID-19)
October 30 -Nov 1 – Videoconference: “Liderazgo Femenino” Taller para señoritas durante el congreso Juvenil CONJUVEX “Rompiendo Cadenas” - Quetzaltenango, Guatemala.
November 7-9 – Bilingual Ladies’ Events in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area, Singing Oaks CoC, Woodland West CoC. (Postponed due to COVID-19)
November 7: Videoconference: Retiro de Damas “Cristo en Éxodo”, Iglesia de Cristo Winston-Salem, NC
November 14 – Bilingual Ladies’ Day, Iglesia de Cristo Lufkin, TX. (Postponed due to COVID-19)
February 22-23 – Women in God’s Service—WINGS: Keynotes and break out sessions about Cross Cultural Relationships, Harding University, Searcy, AR
February 28 – Professional Fair, Harding University, Searcy, AR (Event Table)
March 10 - Mary & Martha Monologues Downtown CoC, Searcy, AR
March 23 – Ladies’ Retreat at East Side CoC “Hope to the Nations”- Snyder, TX
March 31 – IRSM Report in Highlands Ranch, CO
April 3– Ladies’ Day at Castle Rock CoC, Castle Rock, CO.
April 6 – Ladies’ Day at Northwest CoC, Westminster, CO (Event table)
April 6 – Celebration Dinner and IRSM Report at Northwest CoC, Westminster, CO
April 7 & 9 – Ladies’ classes at Loveland CoC, Loveland, CO
April 12-13 –Women Walking with God Conference, Wichita, KS (Event table)
April 21 – Ladies’ Class at Downtown CoC “Women at the Tomb”, Searcy, AR
May 2 – Ladies’ Class I AM, Montevideo, Uruguay
May 4 – Women’s Conference “Cómo acercarse más a Dios,” Buenos Aires, Argentina
June 15 – Ladies’ Class “Totalmente entregada”, North of Bogotá, Colombia
June 20-23 – XIII Women’s Conference “Madurez Espiritual,” Bucaramanga, Colombia
August 1-9 – National Youth Convention, Iglesia de Cristo Matanzas, Cuba
August 22 - Celebration Dinner and IRSM Report, North Davis CoC, Arlington, TX
August 24 – Celebration Dinner and IRSM Report, Northwest CoC, Houston, TX
August 27 - Celebration Dinner and IRSM Report, Baton Rouge CoC, Baton Rouge, LA
September 6 - Celebration Dinner and IRSM Report, Downtown CoC, Searcy, AR
September 14 – Prayer Symposium (Speaker: Katie Forbess) Southside CoC, Rogers, AR
September 21 – Ladies’ Day Falling in Love of Jesus (Spanish) Iglesia de Cristo Silver Spring, MD
Sept 29 — Oct 2 – Harding University Lectureships, Searcy, AR
November 1-3 – Destination Retreat I already AM / YO ya SOY, Conway, AR
Februray 2-3, 2018 Downtown Church of Christ Ladies' Retreat, "Stir Crazy"
February 9-10, 2018 Women in God's Service (WINGS) Harding University
February 23-24, 2018 Antioch, TN. "Women's Spiritual Health" Bilingual Event
March 28-April 7, 2018 Ecuador, National Ladies Conference
April 13-14, 2018 Wichita, KS, Women Walking with God (booth)
May 1-5, 2018 Malibu, CA, Pepperdine Bible Lectures, classes available on our Spanish website
May 6-7, 2018, Escondido, CA, Ladies classes and personal studies
May 23- June 5, 2018 Bogota and Bucaramanga, Colombia, Women's conferences
June 16-17, 2018 Dallas, TX Regional Women's Retreat (Spanish event)
June 26-30, 2018 Malibu, FL Equip Conference, Class and booth
July 8 & 11, 2018 Colorado, women's classes
July 18-21, 2018 Rogers, AR National Youth Convention (Spanish)
August 17-21, 2018 Panama City, Panama, National Ladies Convention and classes (Spanish)
August 22-29, 2018 EL Salvador, National Ladies Convention (Spanish)
September 22, 2018 Benton, AR Ladies' Day
September 30-October 3, 2018, Harding University Lectureships (booth)
February 3-4, 2017 Downtown Church of Christ Ladies' Retreat
February 24-25, 2017 Women In God's Service (WINGS) conference, Harding University (listen to audio from Michelle's classes, (Complete & Content, Singly with God) and (Single & Lovin' It-Mostly)
March 5-8, 2017 Northwest Church, Denver, CO, Classes with ladies
March 24-25, 2017 Ret's Retreat (listen to audio "Overcomers--The Parable of the Sower" )
March 31-April 2, 2017 Knoxville, TN Ladies' Conference (listen to audio "Delight & Joy," "Delight yourself in the Lord," & "The Lord Delights himself in You.")
April 21-23,2017 Women Walking With God Conference, Wichita, Kansas
May 2-5, 2017 Pepperdine Bible Lectures
May 16-20, 2017 Baxter Lectureship, Honduras
May 22-26, 2017 Honduras Hope
June 2-3, 2017 West Broward, FL Bilingual Ladies Event
June 6, 2017 Holly Hill, Daytona Beach, FL English Ladies' Day (listen to English audio "Called to Listen, an introduction")
June 7, 2017 Holly Hill, Daytona Beach, FL Spanish Ladies' Day
June 21-27, 2017 Santiago, Chile Ladie's Events
June 28- July 4, 2017 Lima, Peru Ladies Day & Family Retreat
July 19-22, 2017 Springdale, AR, National Hispanic Youth Event
July 23, 2017 Rogers, AR Ladies' Day
Aug 3-9, 2017 Cuba, Ladies' Events & Missionary Care
Sept 14-17, 2017 Conway, AR, Destination Retreat, "Called to Listen" (listen to all 5 Keynote Sessions)
Sept. 24-27, 2017—Harding University Lectureship (article in The Bison) (audio from class "What do I do with my Human Nature?)
Oct. 21-29, 2017--Guatemala, Conexiones
Jan. 9-19, 2016—Conferencias de Mujeres—Nicaragua
Feb. 5-6, 2016—Downtown Church of Christ Ladies’ Retreat, “This is My Story”
Feb. 13, 2016—Ladies’ Day “Falling in Love with Jesus”, Iglesia de Cristo, Geyer Springs, Little Rock, AR—Spanish
Feb. 19, 2016—WINGS (Women in God’s Service) Conference, Harding University, Searcy, AR (booth)
March 4, 2016—Bilingual Women’s Retreat, “Falling in Love with Jesus,” North County Church of Christ, Escondido, CA
March 19, 2016—Women’s Online Growth Group Brunch, Atlanta, GA
April 9, 2016—Ladies’ Day, “Denim and Pearls,” Hot Springs Village, AR
April 15, 2016—Women Walking With God Conference (Booth), Wichita, KS
April 23, 2016—Hispanic Ladies’ Day, “Perfeccionándose para servir,” Nashville, TN—Spanish
April 30, 2016--Dia del ninos, Geyer Springs, AR--Bilingual
May 3-7, 2016--Pepperdine Bible Lectures (booth), Malibu, CA
May 19-24, 2016--Dominican Republic
May 27-31, 2016--Ladies' Conference, Miami, FL
June 16-20, 2016--Women's Conference, Abilene, TX
June 28-July 3, 2016--Equip Conference, Orlando, FL
July 22-Aug. 1, 2016--Women's sudies working with Health Talents International (HTI), Guatemala
Sept.16-17, 2016--Hispanic Ladies' Day, "Esfuerzete y se Valiente", Fayetteville, AR
Sept. 25-28, 2016--Harding Lectureships, Women's classes & Booth, Searcy, AR
Oct. 31-Nov 8, 2016--Campamento Familiar, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Nov. 9-15, 2016--Area-Wide Ladies Event, Lima, Peru
Nov. 19, 2016--John 3:17 Ladies' Day, Remmel Church of Christ, AR
March 13-14, 2015—“Victorious & Joyful in Battle”, Eastside Church of Christ, Colorado Springs, CO
April 17-18, 2015—Wonder Woman Conference, Parkway Church of Christ, Sacramento, CA
April 17-18, 2015—Women Walking with God Conference, Northside Church of Christ, Wichita, KS (booth)
April 19, 2015—Wonder Woman Conference—Spanish
May 5-8, 2015—Pepperdine Bible Lectures (booth)
May 11-14, 2015—Baxter Lectureships and Seminars, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
May 16, 2015—Hermanas Conectadas en Cristo, Cole Mill Road Church of Christ—Spanish
June 26-27, 2015—Iglesia de Cristo Parkway, Sacramento, CA—Spanish
July 9-12, 2015—Encuentro Internacional de la Iglesia de Cristo, Haines City, FL
Aug. 20-23, 2015—Health Talents International
Sept. 10, 2015—Report visit to Baton Rouge, LA
Sept. 11-13, 2015—“Delight”, Enterprise Boulevard Church of Christ, Lake Charles, LA
Sept. 14, 2015—Report visit to Houston, TX
Oct. 2-4, 2015—Destination Retreat, Colorado Springs, CO
Oct. 21-29, 2015—Buenos Aires, Argentina
Oct. 29—Nov. 3, 2015—Cochabamba, Bolivia
Nov. 3-10, 2015—Santiago, Chile
Jan. 11—Iglesia de Cristo, Englewood, CO
Jan. 12-14—Memorial Church of Christ and Northwest Church of Christ,
Houston, TX
Jan. 17-19—Gulf Coast Getaway, Panama City Beach, FL (booth)
March 28-30—Juneau Church of Christ, Juneau, AK
April 4-6—Iglesia de Cristo in Silver Spring, MD
April 11-13—Women Walking With God Conference, Wichita, KS (booth)
April 25-27—San Diego, CA
April 29—May 2—Pepperdine Lectureships (booth)
May 17—Holly Hill Church of Christ, Daytona Beach, FL
May 28—June 13—Bogota, Colombia & Buenos Aires, Argentina
July 18-19—Bilingual Event, Northwest Church of Christ, Westminster, CO (booth)
August 22-23—Iglesia de Cristo, Englewood, CO
Sept. 3—Longmont Church of Christ, Human AND Holy kick-off
Sept. 20—Northwest Church of Christ / Iglesia de Cristo Bilingual Ladies' Day,
Houston, TX
Sept. 26—Rogers, AR, class on Communication
Sept. 29-Oct. 2—Harding Lectureships (booth)
October 10-12—Women's Retreat, Southeast Church of Christ, Aurora, CO (retreat in Colorado Springs)
Oct. 29-Nov. 18—Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Caracas, Venezuela & Santa Rosa de Copán, Honduras
May 13-17, Conferencia de renovación espiritual para mujeres lideres en congregaciones de Montevideo y Buenos Aires; Montevideo, Uruguay (Spiritual Renewal Conference for Women Leaders in Congregations of Montevideo and Buenos Aires; Montevideo, Uruguay)
May 26-30, Move from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to Denver, Colorado
September 13-14, Ladies' Mini-Retreat, South Baton Rouge Church of Christ
October 10-14, Conferencia Internacional de Damas, Houston, Texas
(International Women’s Conference, Houston, Texas)
October 25-27, Convención Oriental de Damas Cristianas, Estado Anzoátegüi, Venezuela
(Eastern Venezuela Christian Women’s Convention, Anzoátegüi, Venezuela)
November 8-9, Area-Wide Ladies' Retreat, Northwest Church of Christ, Westminster, Colorado, simultaneous activities in English and Spanish