Free Downloads
Resources for Women's Ministry Teachers
One of our goals is to equip, empower, and encourage women to teach other women. Here are some resources if you are looking to learn more about teaching women. These are the result of our August 6th, 2022 virtual workshop. The video of that workshop is on our Video page and YouTube channel. The documents will make more sense if you watch the video.
Small Group Resources
- Facilitator's Guide
- The IRSM blog
- "How-to" of Small Groups
Download A deeper look at Ruth and Naomi by Michelle J. Goff.
It is called an ePetal study because it is offered exclusively online (e-/electronic) and it is a stand-alone lesson (a petal versus a rose). Designed to be studied on your own then shared with a group, the ePetal study equips women to grow in their relationships with God and one another.
Download Heaven on the Horizon, a free ePetal study by Wendy Neill.
This study is an invitation to lift our eyes—to look beyond our current circumstances and to see Heaven on the horizon. Doing so will help put our trials in perspective and to live each day with hope for our eternal rest.
It is called an ePetal study because it is offered exclusively online (e-/electronic) and it is a stand-alone lesson (a petal versus a rose). Designed to be studied on your own then shared with a friend, the ePetal study equips women to grow in their relationships with God and one another.
Supplemental Documentation of Research
Research and Results for One Single Reason: Conversations with Single Women
Initial Survey Questions
Initial Survey Responses and Statistical Summaries
Optional Initial Survey Question Responses:
Q19: Most negative remark about “being single”
Q20: Most positive remark about “being single”
Q21: Greatest challenge as single Christian woman
Q22: Greatest blessing as single Christian woman
Q23: Specific ways church can show support
Q24: Additional remarks
Follow-Up Survey Questions
Follow-Up Survey Question Responses:
Q4: Encouraging Bible verses (shared in Section II, Chapter 8)
Q5: Experience with Singles Ministry
Q6: Her story as a single woman
Q7: How she has served the Lord as a single woman
Q8: (never married) What to discuss with her
Q9: (single again) What support/help she needed
Q10: Responding to remarks about “being single”
Materials for Who Has the Last Word?
Materials for Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word
2021 Monthly Bible Study Recordings
Written by Brenda Brizendine, Communications Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator for Iron Rose Sister Ministries
In 2021, we were blessed to meet once a month, albeit virtually, to learn how to be Redefined by God in many areas. Hearing the testimonies of different Iron Rose Sisters, worshiping the Lord together, studying His Word and coming in prayer to the Father, showed us that God works in each one's life in a different way. This allowed us to understand how good and merciful God is in each of our lives to give us an opportunity to be transformed and defined according to the image of Christ, despite our broken parts, and thus become the women who He designed us to be.
We know that not all of you could be present in each of these meetings, but we thank God for the blessing of technology that allows us to record these classes, making them available to be seen or listened to later, in moments when God allows us individual time or some study time with other Iron Rose Sisters in small groups or in our ladies' meetings.
Below, we share the topics that we studied during the year in the Redefined series, and the links will take you to the recording, so that you can watch or listen to the classes and let God lead you to be Redefined.
Videos- Playlist on YouTube
Audio files
“Identity Crisis” - Afternoon session of “Identity Redefined” (Ladies Virtual Workshop)
We ended 2021, remembering the ups and downs, the good times and the not so good, and thanking God for all His goodness and mercies. Join us and let us adore, praise and be Redefined by Gratitude.
We invite you to start 2022 with a Redefined Vision, putting your eyes on the Great I AM, and remembering that it does not matter what the New Year brings, and even when we feel out of place, broken or without a function, we must focus on the One who defines our Identity!
* If you would like to volunteer during these virtual events during 2022, contact us and let us know in which area we can be blessed with your gifts.