Iron Rose Sister Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 public charity that serves under a Board of Directors.
The following documents provide a thorough description of how we fulfill our vision of equipping women to connect to God and each other more deeply in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and bilingual contexts across the Americas.
Our Mission
To equip, encourage, and empower women to connect to God and one another more deeply in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and bilingual contexts
- To provide Women's Ministry resources and equip Women's Ministry leaders
- To facilitate Christian sister relationships that will be like iron sharpening iron, encouraging and inspiring each other to be as beautiful as a rose in spite of a few thorns
- To conduct seminars, ladies’ days, women’s retreats, etc. across the Americas, teaching to teach to teach, empowering, and inspiring women on their journey as Iron Rose Sisters
- To provide women’s Bible studies simple enough for anyone to lead and deep enough for everyone to grow
- To create a network of Christian women and women’s ministries across the Americas
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Our Goals
1–2-year goals
- Equip and encourage women to "Practice Like a Wise Woman” (Mt 7:24) in 2025
- Create and launch Ambassador Program (2Ti 2:2) through materials and a reproducible Equipping Workshop: future speakers, small group and women’s ministry leaders
- Make return visits to international locations (Ac 15:36)
- Increase one part-time staff worker to full-time
- Invest in the growth of our Brazilian branch, Ministério Irmã Rosa de Ferro
- Equip women in all five major regions of Brazil
- Hire a part-time Brazil Assistant
- Launch 3rd Bible study book in Portuguese
- Finalize legal registration of Ministério Irmã Rosa de Ferro
- Empower new women’s ministry leaders in Spanish
- Distribute resources from “Equipping Women Ministry Leaders” Program
- Promote professionally produced video series and tutorials
- Hold at least 3 bilingual events each year
5-year goals
- Develop a "Ladies' Day in a box" resource
- Publish next Bible study book in all three languages
- Produce quality video resources in all three languages
- Train and equip two new speakers in English and Spanish and one in Portuguese
- Train and equip at least one bilingual speaker
- Print and distribute additional Bible study books in Brazil
- Conduct "How to" workshops for Brazilian women's ministries
- Invest in 1-2 additional full-time staff members (total of 4-5)
10-year goals
- Add more international locations to 3-visit rotation
- Conduct regional IRSM retreats
- Equip six new speakers in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
- Develop more formalized curriculum for women's ministries
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