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The New Year is here. December has passed. Routines are returned. And the resolutions are in place (maybe).
Many of you know that each year, I choose a theme for that year for my personal Bible study and prayer focus. I have wavered between several options for 2018 and have determined that the primary emphasis will be on growth (especially the scriptural references and illustrations using plants, like planting the seed, watering, pruning, etc.). You will see that theme woven throughout the year in the blog and through other resources that we share. In the same way that a rosebush, at this time of year, goes through its most intense pruning, we, as a ministry, are in a time of pruning—scaling back in a few areas for strategic long-term growth.
However, a subtheme that has also presented itself and ties in with the primary emphasis for this year is “simplify.”
During the month of December, everyone is spread thin: family gatherings, work parties, church activities, shopping, cooking, cleaning, decorating, and don’t forget the reason for the season! Now that the New Year is upon us, we naturally take a moment to scale back: to simplify. There is a realigning of priorities as we consider our goals and direction for the New Year.
This month, our theme is “simplify.” Through the blog, we will look at verses, stories, and resources that help us simplify and keep the main thing the main thing.
For our English-speaking readers, the blog will come to you on Wednesday mornings: a middle-of-the-week encouragement and reminder.
And the last Monday of each month, we will share someone’s story that highlights our theme, especially as she exemplifies an Iron Rose Sister.
Thank you for joining with us this year in our growth, and this month as we simplify.
#IronRoseSister, #simplify, #NewYear
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On the eve of a New Year, we are offered the opportunity to begin anew. We have hope of a new life in Christ and faith in God’s abounding love. Yet, there may be thorns that are holding us back, areas in which we long to grow in our faith, hope, or love.
Over the next few days, I challenge you to get with a Christian friend, an Iron Rose Sister, and encourage one another through the Common Threads. How can you be iron sharpening iron for one another in the New Year? What daily prayer can you lift up for and with each other?
I want to bloom in God’s love so that it becomes an outpouring of love to others.
I pray that I can remove the thorn of unbelief, knowing that it hinders my personal growth and that of the ministry.
And I encourage you to serve as iron sharpening iron in my life, as my Iron Rose Sisters, reminding me of God’s faithfulness in the past, as He demonstrates His faithfulness in the future.