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The Jesus of the Gospels
Written by Débora Rodrigo de Racancoj
Have you ever asked yourself how you would have acted if you had lived around Jerusalem while Jesus did? I have, several times. There are so many things in the Gospels that catch my attention about Jesus and the people He encountered!
There must have been something fascinating about the way Jesus spoke and acted. It cannot otherwise be explained why multitudes followed Him, traveling long distances. Desperate sufferers sought to meet Him; sinners did their best to find a suitable place to watch Him just walk by. An encounter with Jesus, even at a distance, had great power. One only had to cross paths with Jesus; touch Him, talk to Him; sometimes, someone simply verbalized a need; miracles happened. What would you have done if it were commented among your neighbors that Jesus was getting close to your city?
When Jesus was on this earth, many had the opportunity to approach Him.
But since He ascended many years ago, we inhabitants of this planet have not had the opportunity to go out and look for Him in bodily form.
However, things have not changed so much since that time. Even today, He can be found among us, in a very similar way as it is told to us in the Gospels. Jesus continues to draw crowds, continues to put peace in hearts, continues to free us from sin and heal from disease.
What would you do if you knew that Jesus would be walking this afternoon in the streets of your city? Are you one of those who would follow Him for miles? Would you look for a tree to climb and watch Him pass, without the crowd bothering you? Would you run to just touch His mantle knowing that in this way you could be free from your affliction?
Open your Bible, search the gospels, watch Jesus walking just a few steps away. He is the same Jesus as before, with the same power, the same characteristics, and is as real as He was so many years ago. Open your mouth and talk to Him, look at Him, follow Him, approach the Master.
When I think of Jesus...
This month has been a challenge. When I think of Jesus, so many thoughts come to mind that I struggle to bring them to focus.
At different times in my life, Jesus has meant different things to me. He is living and active, therefore it’s hard to fit Him into a limiting box that only allows Him to show one aspect or another of His character.
Jesus, Messiah, Prince of Peace, Redeemer, Teacher, God’s Son, Example, Friend... some of these descriptions of Jesus we have already touched on through the blogs this month.