The greatest command is clear: Love God. Love others.
Jesus answers the question presented, and clarifies that this command sums up the Law and the Prophets. Yet we complicate the application of this two-step instruction and leave it on a theoretical level instead of making it very personal and practical.
With a focus on listening to God this year, I have come to a new understanding of this clear and concise teaching—a simple way to live out loving God and loving others.
The first step we must take in order to love God and love others? Listen to God. Listen to others.
Simple as that:
Love God. Love others.
Listen to God. Listen to others.
Come learn more about what that means and what it looks like at our Destination Retreat, September 15-17, Called to Listen. Reserve your spot today! Registration is filling fast.
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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR 72145
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Transformed Understanding by Listening
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