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Jesus and Women
My favorite story of Jesus is the way in which He touched the life of the woman who had suffered from an issue of blood. He healed her because He saw her—not her illness, not her uncleanliness, but rather her value in the kingdom.
Jesus did this often. He saw people in ways that no one else could or would. His own disciples chastised Him when he invited the little children to come to Him. They didn’t understand why He was talking with a Samaritan woman at the well in John 4.
Yet people were drawn to the Living Water with a thirst to be seen for who they truly were, warts and all.
The marginalized were recognized for the first time. The downtrodden were lifted up. Because Jesus offers redemption, not condemnation. He invites us to repentance instead of rejection.
Who else would be proud to have Rahab, the prostitute, and Ruth, the Moabite, in his genealogy?
I am not going to get into any sort of feminist debate or promote any sort of egalitarian ideals. However, I want us to highlight and appreciate how Jesus saw and treated women.
Jesus bloomed while on earth
Do you think Jesus had a thorn he wanted to remove? I don’t know if He used anyone as an accountability partner other than His heavenly Father. But we do know that He bloomed during His time here on earth.
Considering the life of Jesus, we are going to use the Common Threads in order to learn from His example and put His teachings into practice.
Don’t forget to share them with another Iron Rose Sister so that you can pray for one another in these areas.