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PO Box 1351
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What: Small Groups
WHAT is a small group? A group of people (women in our case) whose purpose is to meet together for encouragement, Bible study and prayer.
In order to allow for depth of discussion and opportunity to share, it is ideal for the group to be made up of no more than eight women. Yet, it can be as few as two.
When it is a small group of two, it can also be known as a mentoring relationship.
Mentoring relationships are a dying art, but Jesus himself modeled how we can invest in the lives of twelve or three to make a greater impact in the community at large. Paul highlights the same teaching to Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2, “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.” Teach to teach to teach—makes it easy to remember that it’s 2 Timothy 2:2, two by two by two.
The teaching and mentoring aspects of small group relationships are important. Here are a few more clarifying purposes of Iron Rose Sister Relationships in the Small Group context:
• Encouragement and inspiration
• Prayer
• Understanding and affirmation
• Confidentiality
• Spiritual audit (IRS)
• Mutual call to holy living
• Spiritual friendship and conversation
Whether you are considering starting a new small group, or redefining the one you are in currently, I encourage you evaluate the purpose of your group. Is God the center of your conversation? Are you being an encouragement one to another? Is there confidentiality and accountability?
Who: Small Groups
The apostles were an eclectic group of 12. My sisters and I are a diverse group of four. Who do you have among your group of Christian sisters? Do you have a lot of things in common, or are you a unique group?
A rose bush does not have all of its roses budding at the same time. Part of the beauty of the bush is the bud barely blooming next to the full-bodied rose in full bloom.
Which rose are you in your community? In our Christian community, there are people of different ages, stages, and walks of life. And therein lies the beauty.
Another beautiful facet of a diverse community is that we can grow and learn from one another. The small groups with whom I have participated, and through which I have been blessed the most, are the ones that have a diverse group of women gathering together to deepen their relationships with God and with one another. I like to call them Iron Rose Sisters.
What is an Iron Rose Sister?
An Iron Rose Sister is a Christian sister who serves as iron sharpening iron (Prov. 27:17), encouraging and inspiring others to be as beautiful as a rose in spite of a few thorns.
So, in answer to today’s question of WHO for small groups? The answer is anyone! We grow most when we are stretched out of our comfort zones, and when we hear the perspectives of others. We are blessed when we are given the opportunity to bless others.
Find a group of women and start a small group today!