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Being a mentor in your family
Being a mentor in your family
Meet Johana Batres, a Guatemalan whose husband, Roberto, serves as an Advisor for the Iron Rose Sister Ministries’ Board of Directors. Johana is currently participating in a pilot study of the new book that will be released at the end of October this year, I already AM: Testimonies of belief in the Great I AM.
Johana, tell us a little about you and your family.
Well, I was born in Guatemala and I have been married for almost 18 years; my husband and I came to live to Colorado, 15 years ago, in a beautiful city called Colorado Springs. I have learned many things in this country, and God has prepared me for others that I didn’t have in mind. I have two daughters, Pamela who is 14 years old and Natalie, 12. Both of them were born here. We attend the Church of Christ at Englewood, where we serve with love and joy. I am currently teaching classes to the teenagers, but I like to teach children, youth and at the ladies’ meetings. I also enjoy my work. I work at a school as a teacher’s assistant for 3- and 4-year-old preschoolers.
Both of your daughters are attending the pilot study of I already AM: Testimonies of Belief in the Great I AM, right? Tell us about that experience.
At the beginning I thought that it was going to be a difficult study for them, especially for their age, as they are the youngest of the group; but I have been surprised and blessed that both of them have responded to the lessons according to what they live and experience at their age—a completely different perspective from how the rest of the group sees things. I especially learned a lot from my daughter Pamela when she had the opportunity to lead one of the classes.
What a blessing to see your daughter teaching! Did you have the same blessing with your mother or a spiritual mother?
Seeing my daughter teach has been such a joy and I give thanks to God for that beautiful blessing. I didn’t have that same blessing with my mother, because being a single mother, she had to work hard to raise my 4 siblings and me, although she always advised us the best way and taught us to do good things. However, I give thanks to God for the opportunity to meet Sister Karla de León. She and her husband shared with me the plan of salvation and baptized me. Sister Karla invited me to serve in the children’s ministry and little by little, I was growing spiritually. I consider Sister Karla as one of my greatest friends and my spiritual mentor. She always gave me the best advice possible, and I am endlessly grateful for the time she listened to me. She has been with me during the most important moments of my life, like my graduation, my wedding, the birth of both of my daughters, and she was praying for me for the opportunity to serve in the group “Conexiones” of the Great Cities Missions. She has also been with me in moments of sadness and pain. Up to this day, I know that I can count on her as my friend, mentor and sister in Christ.
For you, what does it mean to be a mentor for your daughters or other women?
Being a mentor for my daughters is one of the things that I love and enjoy the most, as they both are a gift from God in my life. As a mother, I must instruct them and guide them to God’s paths. That is the only inheritance that I can leave for their lives. Being a mentor for others is an opportunity to walk close to them while God is shaping them into His image. God is who produces the change, I am just a servant and I will try to give the best advice through His word and share some personal experiences.
What are the most important things that a mentor should remember?
First, that we are tools in God’s hands to help and give advice to others, but we have to be tools that show His love and compassion. Second, we also have to show trust and interest in the needs of others, and lastly, we need to seize opportunities to guide them to put their trust in the Great I AM.
Finally, what Bible verses encourage you to serve as a mentor?
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” Colossians 3:23-24 NIV
Thank you for sharing your story and giving us examples of mentoring!
#IronRoseSister #mentor #SpiritualMother
What does an Iron Rose Sister look like?
We all long for authentic relationships. In the highly “connected” world through social media and other technology, we often lose sight of the art of deep connection and relationship.
Our relationship with God can become about “liking” a meme with a Bible verse more than allowing those verses to transform our hearts.
Our relationships with others can be more about the number of likes they send than the quality or depth of spiritual relationships.
I recently challenged a friend to ask me often, “What are you saying no to?”. By giving her permission to question me, I showed her how I was working to remove a thorn that has hindered my growth. In turn, she was able to be vulnerable and share how she struggles with the same issue. We now serve as iron sharpening iron as Iron Rose Sisters, encouraging each other and holding each other accountable in that specific area.
Another friend texted me one morning after a difficult conversation the night before, “Hey! Need that iron today?! Me too!” Our iron-sharpening-iron relationship was a two-way street of encouragement and saying what needed to be said, in love (Eph. 4:15).
An Iron Rose Sister…
- can be young or old, a new Christian or a mature one, in the same town, or across the country,
- has the strength of iron and the delicacy of a rose,
- brings her unique talents and gifts to God’s garden as she serves in Christ’s church.
When iron sharpens iron, sparks fly. However, it is how stay sharp and ready for battle. Only the branches that are growing get pruned (John 15:2). And one of the ways that God, as the Divine Gardener, helps with our pruning is through our Iron Rose Sister relationships.
Thank you to the Iron Rose Sisters in my life who encourage me to be as beautiful as a rose, in spite of the thorns.
#IronRoseSister #sisters #friends #DivineGardener #ironsharpensiron