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An Iron Rose Sisters Story and Example
This month, as we conclude our time Listening to I AM and Listening to Others, we are transitioning to an emphasis on “What is an Iron Rose Sister.” One of the best ways to highlight one such Iron Rose Sister relationship is through an interview with IRSM President, Katie Forbess. After reading her letter, I encourage you to share your own story of an Iron Rose Sister relationship in your own life.
Dear Iron Rose Sister Reader,
Tell us a little about yourself:
Hi, I’m Katie Forbess, sinner, redeemed lover and follower of Christ. I have been surrounded by Christian family all my life. I would like to share the what, why and how of IRSM sisterhood in my life. I chose to write this as a letter because I wanted to be able to share the deeply personal attachment that I have with Iron Rose Sister Ministries.
What is an Iron Rose Sister to you?
One of the most beneficial and complicated relationship within the church for me have been with Christian sisters. This fact goes to the heart of the why of Iron Rose Sister Ministries. One of the most amazing examples of Iron Rose Sisters and one of the foundational relationships is between me and Michelle Goff, the Founder, Executive Director and Lead Speaker of IRSM.
Tell us a little about your relationship with Michelle:
Michelle and I have a history that speaks IRSM language. We became friends at Harding, through our major, and even more so with our common passions for Spanish and Missions. Our time spent together included team building with a group that was interested in going to Colombia at my parents’ RV Park in Eureka Springs. We passed the time together in audiology class and studying for tests in phonetics.
After graduation, we both moved to Denver to work with Bob Brown starting Spanish-speaking congregations. It was an incredible blessing for me when her parents moved to the Denver area. Then Michelle moved to Venezuela and not, long after that, Jeff and I moved to Bolivia. God used those years to shape and bless me.
Our story at this point could be one of thousands of friendships formed at Harding and blessed by God over time. The turning point came as IRSM was planted in Michelle’s heart as a space/hole had been created in mine after leaving my church family in Bolivia. The lack of daily routine and interaction with my teammates and the work that we were doing there created a vacuum and God chose to fill that with IRSM.
What is your role within IRSM?
I call myself a “Glorified Cheerleader.” I am a big picture personality and I love to do the “fun edits” on books and articles. Today, I am the President of the Board and President of IRSM. On paper, somewhere, I have two sets of responsibilities. As the Board President, I am the one who is in closest communication with Michelle about things that the board needs to know about, and information that helps us be supportive and make decisions. As the President of IRSM, I am the one who tries to help Michelle see all the parts and how they work together.
What makes your and Michelle’s relationship an example of Iron Rose Sisters?
Our relationship has always been based on the FACETS of IRSM: Faithfulness, Authenticity, Community, Encouragement, Testimony and Study. The definition of an Iron Rose Sister, as defined by the IRSM mission statement, also characterizes our relationship: IRSM helps women to have Christian sister relationships that will be like iron sharpening iron, encouraging and inspiring each other to be as beautiful as a rose in spite of a few thorns. There are some who would look at us and think, “not from the same garden,” but the ones who know us best think “WOW! from the same Creator!” As Iron Rose Sisters we are encouraging, equipping and empowering each other, and also other women in their relationships with God and one another.
Do you have any words of encouragement?
My encouragement to you, reader, is to hold tight to the relationships that you have where Christ is the center and in which you are able to help each other grow closer to God and one another. Use IRSM tools and resources within you personal life, inner circle and church family to fortify the relationships that you have and reach out, making new friends and empowering women to learn to grow in their relationships with God and one another.
What verse would you like to share?
Proverbs 18:24 New King James Version (NKJV)
A man who has friends must himself be friendly,
But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
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What We Have Heard: Listening to I AM, Listening to Others
What We Have Heard: Listening to I AM, Listening to Others
On March 6th, we started a journey of 40 days to concentrate ourselves on listening to the I AM and listening to others by reading Called to Listen: 40 days of Devotion book written by Michelle J. Goff. This journey is preparing us to remember the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Let me share with you some of the things the group of ladies that joined us in the Facebook group heard during our first week “Knowing the Voice of the Good Shepherd.”
Tiffany Jacox: “Have you ever taken the time to be still and listen? I can remember during a time I had fallen away, that I had this "voice" that was tugging at me, telling me I needed more. I believe the Spirit was encouraging me and the Shepherd was at the gate calling for me. Thankfully I heard His voice and I returned. Now I do my best to seek out His voice daily. Jeremiah 29:13: "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart." Seek Him in prayer and through scripture and just like John 10:4 says, "When he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice." When we spend time seeking His voice, we will know His voice and we will follow Him. Once we know His voice and truth, then when will know how to discern a stranger from the Good Shepherd.”
Tiffany Jacox: From Week 1 Day 4:
“Did this one speak to me! How often did I not hear God or listen because it’s not what I want to hear?!”
Jo Gower: “This is so helpful; from this I got a strong impression that I talk too much! As I listened more closely, I heard, Your friend last night in the prayer room told you this as a joke, just as you were leaving the prayer room to go to the “I already AM” Bible Study: “Ha, Let them get a word in edgewise.” This morning that came to mind. Another listening moment: “Read with this ‘Called to Listen’ book, the book you have ‘Keep It Shut,” by Karen Ehman, and continue to Listen to Me. So, I am doing this.”
Luke 6:45-48 (NIV) A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of. “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say? As for everyone who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice, I will show you what they are like. They are like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.
Miriam Castiglione heard from Ezekiel 34:12-15, “‘As a shepherd cares for his herd in the day when He is among his scattered sheep, so I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day. I will bring them out from the peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them to their own land; and I will feed them on the mountains of Israel, by the streams, and in all the inhabited places of the land. I will feed them in a good pasture, and their grazing ground will be on the mountain heights of Israel. There they will lie down on good grazing ground and feed in rich pasture on the mountains of Israel. I will feed My flock and I will lead them to rest,’ declares the Lord God.”
Meagan Adams: “As an exercise, my piano teacher suggested I come up with lyrics to a piece of music I've been working on. It is a piece of music that is simple, yet has rich harmonies—it speaks to a longing within me. Here are the words I came up with:
When my thoughts go wandering
And my heart forgets to sing,
You bring me Your Song Divine
With the melody “You are Mine,”
Filling the chasm within me,
Breathing Your Love Song into me.
When the world seems hard to bear,
You remind me You are there,
‘Mid the noise I can hear Your voice,
Singing the Love Song unending,
Giving the Music back to me.
When my thoughts go wandering . . .”
Thoughts when we think of the I AM as the Gate for the Sheep:
Brenda Brizendine: I come from a country where we need to have gates and fences to feel "safe, protected and kept". When I moved to live to the USA, it was hard to be okay with not having gates or fences around the house I was living at. Now, I don't really think about not having a "security" gate anymore. I can think of this as an analogy to what the Good Shepherd represents: safety, peace, confidence. He is the Gate who keeps my life safe!
Michelle J. Goff: I have been working on this chapter in the new book. It is fascinating to think of the applications of a gate and also the times and contexts in which it is needed. Top two functions of a gate: access and protection. Do you agree? Anything else a gate is used for?
Tiffany Jacox: In reply to- Michelle J. Goff, agreed. I feel like it’s also an indicator. I think of a farm or rich estate or someplace that maybe you don’t see the house. But you pull up to the gate and it is the indicator of where you are (name or address or something).
Jo Gower: “Reflection today:
Question- What have you heard from the Good Shepherd this week?
1. Luke 6:45 - I need to listen and obey
2. Grow into more of a living sacrifice for Christ...
Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
And one example of what was heard during the second week, “Listening to the Creator.”
Michelle J. Goff: “Listening to the Creator today I was reminded, from my mom, Jocelynn Goff, how much the Creator does to care for us! Job 38:22-30 affirms how God can work through snow to open doors for Dr appointments at Mayo and work through so many other things to His glory (Rom. 8:28).”
Jocelynn Goff: “Oh yes. Humble, blessed, thankful tears.”
What else are you listening to? What is the I AM telling you? Even if you haven’t been reading the book, Called to Listen, or participated in the Facebook group, we know that the I AM is sharing wonderful things with you! Would you share them with us, so that we can be edified as well?
“God speaks to those who take the time to listen and He listens to those who take the time to pray.”
Author Anonymous
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