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bilingual small groups“Opposites on the same page” described my relationship with one of my friends. We learned from each other about the different ways to see the world, to express ourselves, to relate to others, and so much more. When it came to how we dressed, what we enjoyed doing, even how spicy we liked our food (or not), we could not have been more dissimilar. Opposites, really.

But when it came to the important matters, the spiritual matters, the foundational truths on which we based our decisions and our lives, we agreed. The influence of having learned to see things from a different perspective remains.

Through that relationship, and countless others, I have learned about myself, about others, and about God—especially how BIG God is. Additionally, can you imagine how much I have learned about God and how He loves His people through relationships with women from other countries, backgrounds, cultures, languages, and families?

At least once a week, my dad reflects to one of the members of our family, “It’s a shame all we speak is English.” The “opposites” relationship I mentioned above was another North American, an English-speaker who grew up in the same town I did. Yet those things we had in common did not mean that we automatically understood each other. We had to learn to listen, to hear from a different perspective, to communicate... and we both spoke English!

Starting with the simplest of words, a smile, and a wave can go a long way to building a bridge and establishing a relationship.

Hello. Hola.
Love. Amor.
Jesus. Jesús.

One of Satan’s lies is that we have nothing in common with someone of a different culture or language. The accuser distorts the blessing of our uniqueness and seeks to create division.

Christ came to destroy the barriers, to unite Jews and Gentiles, Latinos and Gringos... And one opportunity to build those bridges is through small group women’s Bible studies!

I don’t have the time or space to share all of the names and faces of those who have done this and been blessed by it in places like Denver, Colorado; Tampa, Florida; Houston, Texas; Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina; Searcy, Arkansas; Wichita, Kansas... and many more!

Women from the specific aforementioned groups have taken advantage of the fact that all of Iron Rose Sister Ministries’ small group Bible study materials are available in both English and Spanish! Check it out! Be a bridge. Listen to another’s perspective. Learn from others’ experience and relationships with God.

If we can help you start a bilingual small group Bible study, please let us know!
And if you have been a part of one in the past, please share the blessings, challenges, and God stories from that experience!

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