Yesterday, when I left Denver, it was snowing. The temperature gauge in my car read 33 when I started the journey and got up to 88 shortly before arriving for the night in Oklahoma. What a contrast. And what a contrast between what I am doing now through Iron Rose Sister Ministries and what I had been doing for the past six years in Baton Rouge. I was focused almost exclusively on a local work. I am now more focused on a global level.
Before moving to Baton Rouge to work with the Campus Ministry there, I was living in Venezuela, helping with a church plant in East Caracas for four years. It began meeting in my apartment with 12 people and ten years later, it is going strong in spite of the many challenges they face in the country.
I will have an opportunity to visit that church again while I am in Venezuela later this month. I am excited to encourage them and share with them about Iron Rose Sister Ministries. I will also have the opportunity to speak at the Eastern Venezuela Women's Conference.
Please keep these visits and opportunities in your prayers. Over the next few days, I will chronicle some of the current and past stories of what these visits are all about.
Snacks on road trips
Today, I start my two-day drive down to Houston. Tomorrow, I will stop and have lunch with my sister, Jenn, in Dallas and then continue on to stay a couple of nights with my youngest sister, Chrys.
Since I will be gone a month in Houston and Venezuela for speaking engagements, networking and book and ministry promotion, I have a very packed car - full of Iron Rose Sister Ministry items, clothes, and, most definitely food.
My food allergies require me to take a lot of my food with me and it adds an extra layer of prep to any of my travel. However, I know how I feel if I eat the wrong things, so it is worth it.
What I'm most excited about (food-wise) is a few healthy snacks I found to munch on during the road trip so that I don't have that heavy, lethargic feeling or the urgent need to brush my teeth upon arrival. Do you know what I'm talking about?
What is your favorite road food snack? It's Food & Family on Fridays!
Tomorrow I will share some stories behind the opportunities I will have while in Houston and Venezuela. Please keep me in your prayers as I will be traveling, meeting with many people about Iron Rose Sister Ministries, fund-raising, and allowing God to speak through me in various teaching opportunities. Thank you!