A genuine friendship like that of Timothy and the Apostle Paul
Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador
Did you know that our names identify us? Well, yes. On this occasion Timothy, according to the Greek, means one who honors and worships God. How beautiful! He must have been a great, faithful, and dedicated servant of God because it is reflected in the Bible. Son of a compassionate Jewish woman and a Greek father, details of his life appear in the book of Acts in chapter 16, specifying the relationship of efficient mentoring, which led to an evident friendship between Paul and Timothy, along with other beloved disciples.
It is of great value to note that in the Bible we find the two letters written by the Apostle Paul to Timothy. The power of the Holy Spirit is observed in them; in order to get the spiritual strength in the physical weaknesses that we experience as human beings. Therefore, we always need each other to follow the path to eternal life in which our names have been written.
Everything aforementioned teaches us that Paul and Timothy achieved a fraternal alliance, where Timothy was an excellent collaborator, assistant, companion, and disciple of Paul; with holy purposes full of hope, comfort, support and love, especially towards the body of the Lord, "The Church." They achieved leadership, reprimands, and commitment amongst everyone. It is said that together they became father and son experiencing the good and bad and that they developed a genuine friendship in order to know how to endure and teach through the trials and joys of faith in God, evident and common between both.
For this reason, what Proverbs 17:17 tells us came to mind, "A friend loves at all times, and is like a brother in time of trouble." Surely Paul and Timothy learned friendship in the brotherhood of Christ, when, in the opportunities and difficulties along the way, they complemented each other in what they said and did for the service of the Lord Jesus Christ, and accompanied each other to the end.
In my experience, from 2001 to 2018, I lived for the glory of God, a story of real and pure friendship in faith with my sister Ysabel Dávila. A selfless and precious servant woman of the Lord with a valuable and noble mind, believer of a living and authentic God, He delighted in her. I knew my sister back then as Ysa. She and I were born again almost together in the same congregation and with very similar expectations; from there we began the most beautiful path of conviction and learning.
Together we learned from each other to know the great will of the Father in the light of the Word. We saw our husbands, children, and siblings grow in faith and gifts. We shared joys and sorrows. We traveled to women's conventions, we shared our struggles, we called each other on the phone daily, we studied the Word in personal and group discipleships, we cooked together, we visited the sisters, we gave Sunday classes to the children. We celebrated everyone's birthdays and, with great joy, the fifteenth-year birthday parties of her beautiful Marbella and my beautiful Crismarie (today, both graduated for the service of the Father in Christ Jesus, one at Baxter and the other at EQEB—schools of preaching with their families). These things happened, not by chance but on purpose, prayed for in advance for one another, and not only that, being in agreement with God and in our hearts, also many times we distributed church brochures in the squares, parks, hospitals, and around the church building, all as a family and in harmony, remembering Psalm 133:1.
When I got married and God gave me my second child, she was always there in prayer and support; also recognized as the most affectionate sister of all. My children called her aunt and her children did the same. Without a doubt, this is how our genuine friendship arose, in analogy to the probable relationship between Paul and Timothy.When I look back on this part of my life, I thank the Heavenly Father for Ysa. She departed into the presence of God on February 23, 2018; an event that filled me with a particular emptiness, because I found in her characteristics very similar to mine at that time of my life, as it was for Timothy in Paul.
She not only left tears and infinite teachings in me, but in the whole congregation, for her fervent love in and for God at all times. Even in her last days, she worshiped and served the Lord. This is how I understood the pain that the apostle Paul left among the brothers and especially Timothy, but I know that he was strengthened in God and in the Holy Spirit as I did in that physical loss of my beloved sister Ysa, whose name means “dedicated to God” in Hebrew.
I am sure that we all develop godly friendship in this way, useful and very necessary in the church, to love one another (1 John 4:7).
Within your life in Christ Jesus, beloved sister, are you like Timothy? Have you loved your sisters as Paul loved Timothy? Do you believe that friendship is a gift from God?
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Called to be Spiritual Mentors
Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Ministerio Hermana Rosa de Hierro in Ecuador
When I decided to be born again by the baptism of water and the Spirit, I recognized it as a biblical privilege and mandate (according to John 3:1-15 and as the Lord says through the apostle Peter in Acts 2:38). I received, in that moment of faith, the gift of the Holy Spirit that beautifully fills us with marvelous and divine capacities to continue fulfilling His holy commandments.
Later, I was converted and chosen as a believer, pupil, daughter, and apprentice of the Master. Jesus is also known as our Guide or Mentor. Through Him, I found so many reasons to learn that gave meaning and a precise spiritual turn in my life.
Finding within His beautiful instructions the greatest command read and reflected specifically in Matthew 22:37-39, where Jesus said, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” I started from there to build a firm starting point in Him.
Love your neighbor as yourself implies care. The continuous teaching toward mentoring, education or discipleship (personal and community) in the Holy Spirit, and everyone growing in the word of God, towards the discovery of the Father's will. Jesus, the Lord, commands and encourages us at all times to search and study the Scriptures (Jn. 5:39 and 2 Tim. 3:16-17) to be wise, teachers, prudent, and useful in His kingdom.
Therefore, in this act of unity, relationship and obedience in the Lord, I can manage to love my neighbor. This analogy proposes the essential objective of allowing us, in the love of God, to guard, guide and fulfill the divine instructions in Jesus Christ. It is achieved through the missionary guidance of the Holy Spirit, becoming ambassador daughters of the light of Christ in the world (2 Cor. 5:20 and Jn. 1:9).
And why love us? Because we were commissioned to extend the authority of the Lord everywhere, bringing the good news of salvation of the soul to eternal life, but it does not end there. We obey the need to be born again through baptism, since this step is the model of the gospel, in educating and keeping all the things He taught, strengthening the conviction that He will be with all His beloved obedient sons and daughters until the end of the world, contemplated in Matthew 28:18-20.
In the same way, during the development of the Christian life, one gains access to know how to thank the footprints of Christ. Likewise, these footprints are the best race of eternal life that we have had to live from the love of God in each heart among sisters. First John 4:7 and 8 says, “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” And these verses guide us to the attention and value that He has for each one of us.
Therefore, today as a princess and daughter of King Jesus Christ and as a woman of faith, I was able to understand at the same time the importance and value of Love and the Holy Spirit within me and within you, beloved sister.
Recognizing with all your heart and according to the Spirit of God, one learns, as a sacred purpose, to live what is expressed in Galatians 2:20. “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Are we prepared? I think we are, now that we are aware of God’s Holy Spirit and we constantly remember that it is our Christian duty as mentors to teach and disciple one another in the Way. Knowing how to instruct, guide and advise in the Holy Spirit is important; educating in holiness, to renew the strength of God, motivating support among brothers, supporting, helping each other, and bringing the blessing of the Lord in all circumstances.
For that reason, my loved ones, let's go forward together as mentors, guides, educators and advisers of good; since within the call of the gospel is the power of salvation (Rom. 1:16). Through mentoring, we spiritually guide as servants approved and prepared for every good work, as 2 Timothy 3:17 says.
In short, let us remain on the same page moving forward, encouraged, joyful, and very consistent in the Holy Spirit of God that guides and instructs us, in such a way that we can guide others. Let's bloom always!
Are you willing?
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He Is Always There
Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador
We cannot always be there to teach others directly, but God, the Architect of Life, in His great promise of love, left us the great Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will always be with us to guide and teach us (John 14:26).
From the beginning, our Creator has given us precious samples of His immense faithfulness (Gen. 1-2; Ps. 19). For this reason, my beloved, when Jesus was here on earth, He experienced situations similar to ours. He was born, raised, taught, modeled, died, and rose again out of love for all mankind (John 3:16-17). For this reason, I certainly consider that when we read about His life and work, He teaches us infinite truths that only come from Him.
By living a life in Christ, there are many opportunities that, as Christian women, mothers, daughters, and citizens, we have to teach and instruct each other. We likely communicate knowledge in different ways and in different situations where we find ourselves. Daring to teach and instruct the precepts of the Heavenly Father is a divine privilege that leads us to obey His commandment to go and make disciples in every nation, teaching them what He Himself has commanded in order to increase their faith and belief that He will be with us every day until the end of the age (Matt. 28:16-20).
From the moment I was baptized, I have been learning to be a disciple of the Lord. My brothers and sisters in the same faith were in charge of igniting the flame of instructing me in the path leading me to fulfill the most significant profession of serving the Almighty. Some of them are no longer here on earth, but I continue with the teachings that they instilled in me.
I became a mother at the same time that I met God, and I am grateful with all my being, and to the glory of God, because my first daughter grew up in the instruction of fearing and loving the Lord; this brings peace to my heart (Prov. 22:6). Confident in the divine magnificence and in biblical promises, I have always believed in the power of the Holy Spirit and His guidance in everything that lies ahead and as the light that illuminates my feet in each step that I take (Ps. 119:105).
In my experience as a mother, I can say that the transformation that has been done in me served as an example and will continue to show steps for my daughter to continue growing toward the goal of gaining eternal life.
Every day, immersed in faith, I have learned to be constantly under the direction of the Holy Spirit, sharing the Word, praying and being in communion with others, continuing to follow the example of Christ, who despite not being here physically, allows us to follow His beautiful footsteps while holding His hand.
The particular result that we achieve, by learning directly from the grace of the One who knows everything, allows me to continue in the lessons learned, and to continue teaching others in this way at all times. When I no longer am among my friends and loved ones, I know that they will know how to advance in the footsteps of the Master and His teachings, and this conviction arises from His love and from continuing to follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit.
At this moment, my daughter and I are pilgrims or foreigners in other people's lands, and the Holy Spirit has given us many lessons for our edification. I am sure that if we are separated due to travel or other situations, we can remember those lessons to encourage us to always continue learning and teaching others.
The certainty that He is always there and that He will be there until the end of the age motivates me, and hopefully all of us, to consider that, even when we are no longer here, our children, students, or disciples will not deviate for any reason from His commandments and the ultimate goal of eternity with God.
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How the Holy Spirit brought us an intern
Today’s story will be written from two perspectives: mine, Michelle Goff, and that of our new student intern, Faith Bailey. We invite you to see how the Holy Spirit works in the lives of others, even when we are not aware, and especially when we get out of the way.
Faith Bailey:
There are times in life when the steps you take come so easily that it’s difficult to know if you’re following God’s best plan for you or just taking the path of least resistance. Other times, you may be struggling so much to make the pieces fit that you question the influence God’s will has in your decisions. Unless we tune our eyes to see the Spirit working in our lives, the confidence we have in our decision-making skills may seem shaky and the whole process unnecessarily stressful. I recently experienced something like this.It was well before Thanksgiving when I started researching opportunities for this summer. I had a desire to use a passion for languages to assist people in the discovery of Scripture. I had very specific requests, and I brought it to God frequently as I searched for the right fit. Along the way, God proved again and again that He was trustworthy and trained me to listen. I began to see evidence of the Spirit working in my life to affirm and guide my thoughts and actions. After months of praying, I had found the “perfect” internship, but soon learned it was canceled this summer... By mid-April, I had no prospects in sight. I desperately tried to work something out, and finally became exhausted of attempting to force what I wanted.
I remember very distinctly praying one last time before the summer fell into place. I didn’t want to strive anymore. I wanted to obey. It felt like I had been working against the Spirit. I felt the only way I could proceed confidently was if I knew I was working toward God’s best plan. I asked Him to just hit me in the face with it (in His gentle, loving way).
Within 12 hours, I was sitting in Starbucks, after deciding to skip my class at the last second. Michelle and I started talking. Our conversation quickly turned to Iron Rose Sister Ministries. When she mentioned they had been praying for increased involvement, my ears perked up. My mind automatically started thinking of the list I had stored in my brain for months, and checked off so many of the descriptions I had been praying for.
After we officially started this journey together, I faced the daunting task of raising funds. In just a month or so all of the funds I needed became available. During that time, the Spirit reminded me of a quote from Hudson Taylor, “God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply.” God had led me this far. His love and ability to provide what we need can’t be taken away.
Even though we sometimes have different plans, I had to trust that He would led me in my next steps. I knew I would be better off in the center of His will than anywhere else. These moments may seem small when they stand alone, but they led me to Iron Rose Sister Ministries and tell a story of God’s faithfulness. I have seen the Spirit’s guiding and urging along the way, and can therefore be confident that God’s Work will be done.
Michelle Goff:
Given that our primary purpose as a ministry is to equip women, we always want to be able to take advantage of the opportunity to train young women that plan to work in ministry or missions in the future. We pray that God will lead us to the right person at the right time, but this year, I had tried to make it happen several times and several ways, yet to no avail. I finally let it go and had made my peace with having no intern this summer at all.
One Friday morning in mid-April, while other IRSM representatives were taking care of a booth in Kansas, I met with someone in Starbucks to seek her expertise and share resources for an event I will be speaking at in Panama in August. Blessed by our time together, I texted the Board member with whom I was scheduled to have a phone meeting immediately following the morning coffee date. She was unavailable at that moment and instead of heading home to work with Erica, our ministry assistant, I felt the Spirit urging me to stay seated there in Starbucks.The timing for my phone meeting kept getting delayed and I was confused as to why we could not seem to connect for our planned conversation. At least a dozen times I debated the timing of my transition to head back home to work and conduct the pending phone meeting from there. The logical thing was to head home. The practical thing was to head home. And yet I stayed.
Finally, after about an hour of highly productive work, I felt a peace about leaving. As soon as I was ready to go, the board member texted that she was ready to talk, but one final prompting of the Spirit told me to wait until I got in the car and put in my Bluetooth to start our conversation. Attempting to be obedient, I texted her back to give me a couple of minutes and I’d be ready.
Well, the “couple of minutes” turned into more like 15 minutes because as I walked toward the door (on the opposite side of Starbucks than I usually work or meet with students), I “happened” to run into Faith... And what she shared above is the rest of the story.
I am humbled by the way the Spirit works and am grateful for God’s gentle reminder of His timing, His plans, His selection of workers, and His going before us. We trust the Spirit’s guidance and direction in the same way as He leads us to the full-time Assistant Director we are seeking. God is faithful. And I cannot wait to see how He keeps putting all the pieces together!
For more information about the Assistant Director position, the job description is available on our website. The post is open through June 11, 2018. We appreciate your prayers in this search!
#IronRoseSister #HolySpirit #summerintern #missions
How the Spirit leads a ministry and a logo
It started out simple: an idea, barely a thought. Yet when planted, a seed of faith, it has bloomed and grown into what God continues to design it to be: Iron Rose Sister Ministries.
Where did the name come from? What prompted the launching of this ministry? Questions I am often asked and thrilled to answer!
Tomorrow, at the Pepperdine Bible Lectures, I will actually share more about how the Holy Spirit has led us as a ministry. If you are here in Malibu, please join us in AC 280 at 11am (PDT). “Here Am I, Send Me! Across the Americas to Equip Women in English and Spanish.” And if you aren’t there, connect via Facebook Live and later, I will share a recording of the class on our website.
In the meantime, here is a teaser... I have been humbled and amazed to see how God answers my prayer, originally expressed by Isaiah, “Here am I. Send me!” (Is. 6:8b).
God’s calling in my personal life has seen more transitions and transformations than the logo development you see pictured here.
Actually, the name, logo, and application of the Common Threads came to me, all within a 24-hour timespan, in what can best be described as a vision. That reference may make some uncomfortable, but after weeks of prayer, seeking, listening, and wrestling, God began to make His answers and direction clear. And when God makes things that clear through the leading of His Spirit, one is left with no other response than “Yes, sir! Here am I. Send me!”
After the blessing of serving in full-time ministry my entire career, I saw similar needs across the diversity of contexts in which I had worked (missions, church-planting, campus, and women’s ministries):
• Teaching that equipped women to connect to God and one another more deeply
• Small group Bibles studies that were simple enough for anyone to lead, yet deep enough for everyone to grow
• A need for resources in English, an even greater void in Spanish, and barely anyone doing anything for women in a bilingual context
• Women longing to be encouraged, inspired, and equipped in ways that another Christian sister is best equipped to do through authentic relationshipsThe acronym for an Iron Rose Sister is IRS. And the irony is not lost on me. Spiritually speaking, we offer one another a spiritual audit, inviting a Christian sister to serve as an accountability partner, iron sharpening iron, encouraging each other to be as beautiful as a rose, in spite of the thorns.
Thank you for joining us in prayer as God, through His Holy Spirit, continues to guide us to equip more women to connect to God and one another more deeply, across the Americas.
If you would like to get involved, would like more information, or are willing to donate to help make these things possible, we would love for you to join us in this vision!
#IronRoseSister #HolySpirit #CommonThreads
Jesus Prepared the Disciples and Gave Them the Holy Spirit
Written by Beliza Patrícia, Brazil Coordinator for Iron Rose Sister Ministries
When we think of the 12 apostles and the time in which they walked with Jesus on this earth, it is easy to imagine them as Jesus’ helpers. But when a master finishes a job, the helper doesn’t have any more tasks. In reality, the apostles were more like interns. In other words, throughout the time that Jesus was with the apostles, He was preparing them so that when the moment came that He would no longer be with them, they would be prepared to take on the role of presenting the gospel to the world.
Jesus came to the earth to accomplish a mission, and for the three years of His ministry He prepared the apostles for the mission they would have after His departure. The Teacher chose humble men to proclaim His Kingdom and taught them about eternal life, forgiveness of sins, and the love of the Father. Day after day the apostles walked by His side: talking with Him, asking questions, listening to parables, seeing the manifestation of His power healing the sick, expelling demons, performing miracles, and witnessing His disapproval of the behavior of the teachers of the law. By association and personal contact, Christ prepared the apostles for His service.
In recounting the events of Jesus’ last days on earth, John wrote in his gospel:
It was just before the Passover Festival. Jesus knew that the hour had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. (John 13:1 NIV)
Throughout His time on earth, Jesus showed the apostles that He loved them. And it was with love that He prepared and equipped those who became the leaders of His church. With love he sent them to preach the gospel to all of creation.
Knowing that His ministry on earth was coming to an end and that He would no longer be with those who walked with Him on His journey, Jesus made recommendations and promises to the apostles (John 14, 15, and 16). Like a good teacher, He encouraged them and prepared them for the future. He alerted them about the persecution they would suffer for obeying the Savior.
One of the promises that Jesus made was to send them the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, who would comfort them and testify of Jesus. The Holy Spirit would empower them to succeed along the way. The gospel was not proclaimed by human strength or wisdom, but by the power of God.
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. (John 14:16,17)
After Jesus’ death, the apostles were to be Christ’s witnesses and to proclaim to the world what they had seen and heard from Him. They were to be God’s collaborators in the salvation of mankind. It was to fulfill this role that these men, so different from each other, were chosen and prepared. This may seem like a grandiose mission for such simple men, but those who heard them marveled… because they didn’t speak about themselves, but were presenting the way to the Savior. The apostles’ teaching declared that everything they did came from the power of Christ.
The apostles were prepared for the mission through their relationship with Jesus, the Son of God, and then continued their mission with the Comforter, the Holy Spirit of God, who taught them what was needed, and who reminded them of the teachings of Jesus. God was in relationship with the apostles all along.
God also wants to be in relationship with us. With love He wants to prepare us for our mission, and when we are baptized in the name of Jesus, we receive the Holy Spirit that comforts, orients, and intercedes for us. “Come near to God and he will come near to you!” (James 4:8)
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By Michelle J. GoffHe hovered over the waters... Ruach.
And the Spirit of the Lord kept moving, never dormant... Ruach!
Descended as a cloud and a pillar of fire to guide; a cloud again, resting on the elders to prophesy... Ruach.
Imparted wisdom to Joshua, judges, and kings; Gideon blew a trumpet, Samson defeated foes... the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon them... Ruach!
Poured out to prophesy, lead, judge, and rule... wisdom and understanding characterized the Spirit’s presence in the lives of the anointed... Ruach.
Anointed as God’s chosen kings, Saul, David, and Solomon were inspired by the Spirit to speak, were filled by the Spirit to lead, and were empowered by the Spirit to defeat the enemy... Ruach!
But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul. Silence.
Disobedience, rejection, an enemy of the Lord... Silence.
David bore witness to the tormented evil spirit in Saul; the absence of the Spirit of the Lord. Silence.
“Take not your Holy Spirit from me,” Ruach!
David experienced the indwelling of the Spirit... Ruach.
May the Spirit of the Lord rest upon me... Ruach.
May He pour out wisdom, understanding, counsel, and might, knowledge and fear of the Lord... Ruach!
Who can fathom the Spirit of the Lord? May I never tire of the quest to contemplate Him and His presence... Ruach.
Use me to proclaim good news to the poor; bind up the brokenhearted; proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.
Ruach, breathe new life into me as you did for the faithful of old.
Guide me in your ways and instruct my plans.
Come upon me powerfully and speak through me as you did through the prophets of another day. Ruach!
I do not expect a double-portion like Elisha, but that I may rest in Your presence, taste of your goodness, and never experience the pain of your departure.
Ruach... Ruach... Ruach!(Note: Ruach is the Hebrew word for the Spirit of the Lord)
#IronRoseSister #HolySpirit #Ruach
The Ancient Paths
Keep the main thing the main thing. Get back to the basics. Maintain your first love. Stay on the straight and narrow. Seek the ancient paths.
There are many ways to express the importance of retaining our focus as we move forward.
The Holy Spirit is described as our Guide. In John 16:13, Jesus promises, “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.”
Waze, Google Maps, and other technology provide us with GPS coordinates and directions that follow the path of least traffic, guiding us from point A to point B. Yet the most up-to-date GPS cannot help us make the most important decisions about what direction we should take.
Jeremiah 6:16
This is what the Lord says:
“Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask for the ancient paths,
ask where the good way is, and walk in it,
and you will find rest for your souls.
But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’”This verse in Jeremiah has been a powerful reminder and gentle guide as I seek God’s wisdom. Here are the four reflections the Spirit has revealed through His guidance:
1. “Stand at the crossroads and look...” When we are at a crossroads, needing to make a decision, we must pause. For me, this means quieting the other noise and taking a moment to look around—assess where we are and where we want to go, through prayer. I cannot barrel forward full steam ahead without first stopping to stand, look, and pray.
2. “Ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is...” God honors those who ask for wisdom (James 1:5), clarification (Acts 8:31), and direction (John 14:4-5), even when we ask with doubt or confusion.
3. “And you will find rest for your souls.” There is a promise when we walk the ancient paths. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. On the ancient paths, we will find rest for our souls (Matt. 11:28-29).
4. “And walk in it... But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’” He who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins (James 4:17). And he who hears the words of God but does not put them into practice is foolish (Matt. 7:24-27). So, when God has made the ancient paths clear, we must soften our hearts, trust and obey, and walk with Him.As I seek the ancient paths, with the Spirit as my guide, I will pause, pray, ask, rest, and walk with Him. God’s way is best, even if it seems old-fashioned. Will you join me on the ancient paths?
Want to learn more about listening to the Spirit? Week 5 of Called to Listen has seven listening exercises focused on listening to the Holy Spirit.
#IronRoseSister #HolySpirit #ancientpaths
When the Holy Spirit Takes Over
Allow me to share one of my favorite stories about how the Holy Spirit works in and through us... Back in the summer of 1996, a young freshman in college ventured on a mission trip to Venezuela—her first time out of the country and her first opportunity to put the Spanish she had studied in textbooks to the test. She spent the first four weeks on a campaign with about 20 other students, meeting people, inviting them to the nightly meetings conducted by the local church, studying the Bible with people and learning a lot about herself and a new culture.
After those initial four weeks, she and two other students stayed for another three weeks to follow up on all of the contacts that had been reached during the campaign. The young man that stayed spoke no Spanish and the other girl that stayed, while she was somewhat proficient, contracted salmonella and was in bed most of the remaining time.
So, this young girl, novice-level in her Spanish, and young guy, barely able to say “hola,” trekked across the city, following up on dozens of people who had signed up for personal Bible studies. They would visit a home and if it was a man that had signed up for the study, Michelle, as we will call her, would translate for the young man and if it was a woman who had signed up for the study, Michelle would teach while the young man read his Bible and sipped the coffee all the students had grown to love.
On one such occasion, in the home of a lady who had signed up for a personal Bible study, Michelle was faced with a difficult question she wasn’t sure of the answer to in English and felt even less equipped to answer in Spanish. She said a quick prayer and a few minutes later, realized that she had just given the most eloquent and Scriptural answer to a very difficult question. Actually, she didn’t. She didn’t give that answer and none of those eloquent words were her own. Even if she had been able to answer the question adequately, her Spanish was at a level that the response would have been less than eloquent.
Yes, that was me. I still remember that day vividly. I don’t remember the question the lady asked, nor her name, but I will never forget the light that came on in her eyes as the Spirit took over for me and spoke through me in a way that I had never experienced before. I was hooked. I knew from that day forward that I wanted to use my life in any way possible to allow the Spirit to speak through me to shed The Light to any that wanted to hear the good news of the hope we have in Christ.
Excerpt taken from the final chapter of Human AND Holy, available on our website.
Also, I share this and other stories during a presentation about Iron Rose Sister Ministries at Harbor/Pepperdine Bible Lectures. The video is available via Facebook Live and on our YouTube channel.#IronRoseSister #HolySpirit #HumanandHoly