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By Michelle J. Goff

He hovered over the waters... Ruach.
And the Spirit of the Lord kept moving, never dormant... Ruach!
Descended as a cloud and a pillar of fire to guide; a cloud again, resting on the elders to prophesy... Ruach.
Imparted wisdom to Joshua, judges, and kings; Gideon blew a trumpet, Samson defeated foes... the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon them... Ruach!
Poured out to prophesy, lead, judge, and rule... wisdom and understanding characterized the Spirit’s presence in the lives of the anointed... Ruach.
Anointed as God’s chosen kings, Saul, David, and Solomon were inspired by the Spirit to speak, were filled by the Spirit to lead, and were empowered by the Spirit to defeat the enemy... Ruach!
But the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul. Silence.
Disobedience, rejection, an enemy of the Lord... Silence.
David bore witness to the tormented evil spirit in Saul; the absence of the Spirit of the Lord. Silence.
“Take not your Holy Spirit from me,” Ruach!
David experienced the indwelling of the Spirit... Ruach.
May the Spirit of the Lord rest upon me... Ruach.
May He pour out wisdom, understanding, counsel, and might, knowledge and fear of the Lord... Ruach!
Who can fathom the Spirit of the Lord? May I never tire of the quest to contemplate Him and His presence... Ruach.
Use me to proclaim good news to the poor; bind up the brokenhearted; proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.
Ruach, breathe new life into me as you did for the faithful of old.
Guide me in your ways and instruct my plans.
Come upon me powerfully and speak through me as you did through the prophets of another day. Ruach!
I do not expect a double-portion like Elisha, but that I may rest in Your presence, taste of your goodness, and never experience the pain of your departure.
Ruach... Ruach... Ruach!

(Note: Ruach is the Hebrew word for the Spirit of the Lord)

#IronRoseSister #HolySpirit #Ruach

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