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More Diversity in Community
“Red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.”
1 Corinthians 12 compares the church to a body, with Christ as the head. I like to tell women that they may feel like they are the most insignificant part of the body, but ask a cancer patient after chemo how important nose hairs are and you’ll remember that there is no wasted part of our anatomy or insignificant member of the Lord’s body.
Many long to be the hands and feet of Jesus—noble goals, for sure. However, if God has called you to be a pinky fingernail, I applaud you today. You are the only one that can reach to scratch the itch on my back or handle the tickle in my ear.
Who can you appreciate today for their unique diversity in your community?
Diversity and Conflict in Community
Walking through a rose garden in San Diego, California, I noticed a rosebush that had more than one type of rose growing in its branches. The picture with this blog post is of two roses next to each other in the same rose bush.
I am not playing with the colors on your screen. This is not a test of how you see colors like the Twitter-craze about the black and blue or white and gold dress a couple of years ago.
I share this picture, instead, as a way of highlighting the diversity we are blessed and challenged with in community.