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WLW coverRemembering the truth allows God to have the last Word—not our fears, not the lies, not the pain, nor the despair. The truth of God’s Word cuts through lies like nothing else.
It is my goal with this book to paint a picture with my words, share a story that inspires, and quote a scripture that breathes truth and hope into a shattered life, battered by lies. These will not exclusively be my stories told on the pages of this interactive Bible study. The timeless tales come from the Bible—powerful messages that transform our lives and fill us with hope. The other testimonies in each chapter come from the lives of women willing to impart some of the wisdom and truth gleaned from the dark days of their soul—lessons learned and verses clung to as they wrestled through Satan’s personal attacks and came to own powerful truths found in God’s Word.
In Who Has the Last Word? you will walk with these women through the entrapping lies into the freedom of truth. And you will explore the truths of Scripture as the Word of God breathes faith, hope, and love in abundance into your lungs, filling you with new life in Christ.
All other things shall cease, but these three remain: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is love (1 Cor. 13:13).

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When we embrace truth, we abound in faith, hope, and love—the abundant life that Jesus offers (John 10, 1 Cor. 13, 1 Thes. 1:2-3, Rom. 5:1-8, 2 Pet. 1:2). Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy, but God sent his Son that we might have an abundant life (John 10:10, paraphrased).
I want to point you to the God of Scripture. It is His Word. Christ is the embodiment of that Word—the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6)—and we have been given the Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit, as a continual testimony of that truth.
It is a love story. It is a redemption song. It is filled with poetry, prose, history, genealogy, commands, promises, and vivid descriptions of a loving God relentlessly pursuing a relationship with us.
Many authors have presented well-written, authoritative works on the power of the Word and the influence of Satan's lies. However, I pray that through the format of interactive small group discussion and through the guided study questions, you will gain your own new depth of understanding and appreciation for God's Word and its power in your life.
Who Has the Last Word? encapsulates the primary goal of Iron Rose Sister Ministries: to equip women with the tools to connect to God and one another more deeply. Specifically in this book, I want to equip you with the tools to be practiced wielders of the Word, to fight the lies, and be filled with joy in the abundant life of faith, hope, and love through the transforming power of the truth of God’s Word. This is best accomplished in the combined contexts of personal study and small group discussion.
Iron Rose Sister Ministries strives to equip, inspire, and empower women to fight the good fight, finish the race, and rejoice in the crown that awaits them. It is our prayer that your Iron Rose Sisters will accompany you in this battle, run with you in this race, and cheer you on to victory.
Even if we wanted to attack all the lies with which Satan attacks us, it would be impossible. However, we can look at foundational truths on which we stand (yes, they exist!), the examples of Christ and others who fought Satan’s lies with the truth, and proceed with a foundation of faith, hope, and love. We will look at some of the personal lies that overshadow deeper truths and learn how to respond to them. We will address the fear that accompanies the lies and the hope that can shatter it.
As will be highlighted through the Common Threads, the lies of Satan are like deep thorns we are asking God to remove. They are distorted versions of reality that have us entangled and bring us pain.
And through the Lie/Truth Charts, we will begin to recognize the lie, replace the lie with truth, and remember the truth—thus giving God the last word and cutting through Satan’s lies with the power of God’s Word.
(The above text was taken from the Preface of Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word. Over the next two weeks, I will share an excerpt from each chapter in anticipation of the interactive Bible study, which will be available by the end of the year! Stay tuned for details on preordering your copy and make plans now to start a small group study together in January!)

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