As you read this, I am on my way to Cochabamba, Bolivia, via Lima, Peru. I will be traveling for over 24 hours, so I covet your prayers for health and safety through all of the flights and layovers.
The Bolivian Family Camp will take place this weekend and I will have the opportunity to teach a series of classes for the women about Communication, while the overall theme for the camp is “Go and Speak” from Mark 16:7.
The following weekend, I will be back in Lima, Peru, for a Ladies’ Day on the topic of Women’s Spiritual Health.
In both cities, there are additional teaching and one-on-one Bible study opportunities, not to mention the Missionary Care visits and encouragement brought to the families working in each mission field.
Meanwhile, I ecstatically announce that the 3rd book is at the printer’s!!! Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word will be available by the end of the year. The book, authored in both English and Spanish, is over 300 pages, filled with stories from Scripture, and from women who have battled specific lies, but have given God the last word in their lives. (Pre-order your copy today and get FREE SHIPPING.)
Please join me in the following prayers of rejoicing and request:
• Thanksgiving that the new book at the printer’s!
• Thanksgiving for the opportunities to teach, bless, and equip women in Cochabamba and Lima
• Safety, health, and smooth travel
• That God shut the eyes of the custom’s officials, just as He closed the mouths of the lions for Daniel
• That God will speak through me in big and small ways to bless and equip everyone I encounter
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Prayers, Travel, and Thanksgiving
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