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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR 72145
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Transformed Understanding by Listening
The greatest command is clear: Love God. Love others.
Jesus answers the question presented, and clarifies that this command sums up the Law and the Prophets. Yet we complicate the application of this two-step instruction and leave it on a theoretical level instead of making it very personal and practical.
With a focus on listening to God this year, I have come to a new understanding of this clear and concise teaching—a simple way to live out loving God and loving others.
The first step we must take in order to love God and love others? Listen to God. Listen to others.
Simple as that:
Love God. Love others.
Listen to God. Listen to others.
Come learn more about what that means and what it looks like at our Destination Retreat, September 15-17, Called to Listen. Reserve your spot today! Registration is filling fast.
Transformed by time together
Acts 4:13 has quickly become one of my favorite verses.
I love how these ordinary, unschooled men’s lives were transformed by the time the spent with Jesus. And everyone knew it.
Moses had to wear a veil when he came down from Mount Sinai because of how his face radiated God’s glory. There was no denying that he had been in the presence of God.
Jim Rohn proposes that we are the average or a product of the five people we spend the most time with. Do you agree? Take a moment and think of those with whom you spend most of your time. Their influence transforms us. And it matters who we spend time with!
The disciples. Moses. People could tell with whom they had been spending their time. How about you?
By what you say, and how you act, can people tell with whom you have been spending your time?
How are you being transformed by the time you spend with Jesus? Can others tell you have been in the Word, and in prayer? Do you radiate God’s glory, by living a transformed life?
May we be transformed and renewed day by day through the time spent with Jesus, and may others take note of it, just like in Acts 4:13 with the disciples.