An encouraging word, but not from me
Yesterday, we took a glimpse at the transforming power of prayer. One of the ways it can transform our relationships and lift our spirits is to pray for someone else.
So... on this Wake-up Wednesday, the challenge for the day is to contact at least three people and let them each know that you're praying for them. Don't forget to actually pray for them as well! ;)
You can text them, call them, shoot them an email, or send an old-fashioned snail mail encouraging note :) It will brighten your day and theirs as well. Simple as that. The knowledge that we have gone to the Father on behalf of another is a huge encouragement!
May you also be encouraged to know that even if I don't know you by name, I am daily praying over those that read this blog and are encouraged by Iron Rose Sister Ministries. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers as well!
The transforming power of prayer
It’s Transformational Tuesday and I don’t know of anything
we can tangibly do that has more transforming power in our lives and in the
lives of others than prayer.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
We often approach prayer as a way of presenting a shopping list to God: I need this. I don’t need this. I want You to do this, but You’ve already been working hard enough to help me grow in this other area… We get demanding and controlling, assuming we know what’s best.
Thankfully, we are not as wise as our omniscient and loving Father who knows what we need before we can ask, and who loves to hear us come to Him and cry Abba, Father.
While we see examples like Abraham and Jacob of when prayer changed God’s mind, that’s not what prayer is about. It’s about increasing our faith and always turning to the one that we trust has the power and the love to work in and through all circumstances to His glory. The persistent widow taught us that (Luke 18). She was an example of faith (vs. 8) and her persistency paid off, not because she continued to voice her request, but because she always went to the One who could help her.
A few verses later, we see an example of someone who knew He was unworthy of assistance, but he, too, was honored in his attitude toward prayer, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13).
May we be transformed by the power of prayer – not an answered prayer, but the act of a humble prayer lifted to our Abba, Father.