Comfort foods
Last week, I was really missing Louisiana: the people, the food, the sense of family and home. I grew up there and while I haven’t spent my whole life there, I called it home for the past six years before moving back to Denver, Colorado, at the end of May.
So, like any good Louisiana girl, when I was missing all of the people and aspects of the local culture, I fried up some Louisiana catfish I had frozen and brought with me for such a time as this. And, oh, did it taste good! With each bite, I thanked God for the food and for the relationships I had formed during my years in Louisiana. I also asked Him to bless me with new family blessings and relationships with church family here.
And while I know God was the one bringing me comfort, I’d like to think He used the fried Louisiana catfish as a form of comfort on a plate and to my taste buds. What’s your favorite comfort food or what food holds strong family memories for you?
With faith like a child
On Tuesday mornings, I take my almost 11 month old nephew to the pool for a swim. My sister meets us there from work and she and I take turns swimming laps and playing with Kadesh in the kiddie pool area.
Kadesh loves the water, like most babies do, and whether he gets to splash, crawl in the most shallow areas, or walk in the one-foot area, he is loving it. He has become more and more brave in his leaps to and from Kim's and my arms and his level of activity and movement has definitely increased. He has no fear and completely trusts that he will be safe.
Last week, as Kadesh was undaunted by a mouthful of water, I realized and was reminded that we learn fear; we aren't born with fear. As children, we have an innate trust and dependence on those who care for us. We trust our caretaker to keep us safe from harm, feed us when we are hungry, and love us no matter what messes we make.
On this Throwback Thursday, may we all go back to a childlike faith. May we trust our loving Heavenly Father and most-excellent caretaker to keep us safe from eternal harm, feed us when we are hungry, even if it is only our daily bread, and love us no matter what messes we make.