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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

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With the release of Human AND Holy yesterday (the first of many small group Bible study books of Iron Rose Sister Ministries), I would be remiss to not share a bit of the God story behind it. And it's not like there's just one...
The main aspect I want to highlight today is that there is no way I could've realized this dream alone. Every step of the way, I had those who were praying for me, encouraging me, challenging me, editing for me, spurring me on, and even some that were living vicariously through the process in their own goal to write and publish. Thank you! I really don't have stronger words than that and please know that I consider each and every one of you a part of this process and the blessing it will prayerfully be to so many across the Americas.
God has designed for us the blessing of a church family that walks with us through the good and the bad, the highs and the lows. We are able to rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn. So, I thank you for being a part of God's family that has been a direct blessing to me and to Iron Rose Sister Ministries. I could not have come this far without you and there is still so much more to be done!

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