Venezuelan Family
I have been in Venezuela for the past week: one of my many 2nd homes. What a blessing to see the growth of my Christian brothers and sisters here and feel so at home walking the streets of Caracas.
Sometimes family has more to do with the blood of Christ than the blood of heritage. And the beautiful thing is that the closer we grow to Christ and the more we mature in Him, the closer we grow to each other.
On Tuesday night, I had a lengthy and in-depth conversation with some brothers and sisters here who, when I left back in 2007, were baby Christians. As we talked and shared things that God is doing in our lives, I realized and mentioned that we would not have been able to have that conversation several years ago. But now, with how they have grown in their faith and their relationship with Christ, we are now blessed with a new depth to our relationships. What a blessing!
Take a moment today to thank God for your Christian family and the depth of relationship made possible in Him.
Don’t Look Back
As he came back in from the rain, Rich remarked that it was stormy and dark in the back yard but the weather looked clear and pretty looking from the front of the house. I flippantly replied, “So look out the front window and not the back.” Rich came back with, “That’s right, don’t look back.”
How many of us are guilty of looking back instead of looking forward? We look back at our past with shame and guilt or with nostalgia for the good old days. In Genesis we see that Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back. When we look forward though, we can face our future with hope and anticipation. Philippians 3:13-14 says, “Forgetting what’s behind us and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
Which direction are you looking in today?
Contributed by Joy Willwerth, Iron Rose Sister in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and soon-to-be proud grandma