Memories of joy and pain
Throwback Thursday. What memory are you taken back to today? While I was in Venezuela, I could not help but be flooded by the memories of my previous trip there with a campaign group from the South Baton Rouge Church of Christ in summer 2012. Through that campaign, I was able to share with and blend my Venezuelan family and my Baton Rouge family, especially with my coworker in Campus Ministry and my boyfriend, at that time. During that trip, in a fairytale manner, he knelt in the Caribbean and asked me to marry him. I said yes and we shared some of the happiest moments I've ever had.
Not all fairytales have a happy ending and not all dreams come true. However, it is a blessing when we can look back and treasure the good times, even if they are followed by pain. (For those of you who don't know, my fiancé ended our relationship two and a half months before the wedding, without warning and in a definitive manner.)
Memories can be challenging when they bring both joy and pain. They become difficult to sort through and place in their proper context. May God give us wisdom to cherish those memories, but not dwell there; to learn from our past, but not become embittered by it; to recognize the joy and the pain, but continue to give Him glory through it all.
Chronos time vs eternal time
Time. There never seems to be enough of it. Sometimes we want more hours in the day and sometimes we wish the day would fly by (like on Fridays so we can get to the weekend). Children have no concept of time; they have to learn it. Maybe that's another way in which we should have faith like a child. God doesn't work on our time-frame (chronos) and we have no concept of His (eternal).
"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day."
(2 Peter 3:8 NIV)