Relationship with God Through Christ
Written by Kat Bittner, Iron Rose Sister Ministries volunteer and Board Member in Colorado
Relationships can be difficult to foster. And often they are the hardest things to keep tied. Even the best relationships can be knotty at times. Relationship with God, though, is far less complicated. It’s also the most valuable. A personal relationship with God means unconditional love by Him. It means redemption from the worst we’ve done. It means adoption into a family in which we are heirs of a great inheritance (Gal. 4:4-7; Rom. 8:17). Most importantly, relationship with God means life.
We are given the gift of God’s grace, and we undeservedly receive God’s mercy (Eph. 2:8; Rom. 9:16). And we are also given the hope of eternal life (1 Pet. 1:3). To obtain that life, though, we must enter relationship with God, and we can only get to God through Jesus.
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me“ (John 14:6 NIV).
This is my favorite scripture because it encompasses what I can expect and what I can do to truly live. If I expect to have truth and life, I can only do so by way of Jesus. Because of what God did for me in sacrificing His Son to die on my behalf, I’ve come to acknowledge the need to be more selfless. The truth is, if left to my own inclinations, life would be spent doing all the things that please me. I’d go where I want, when I want, and do what I want with very little consideration for others. Rather than make a home and life for my husband, children, and grandchildren, I would make a home and life that best suits me. I’d be overcome by my addictions (food) and proclivities (controlling). Singing on the worship team, teaching the toddlers’ Bible class, and serving in the women’s ministry at my church would all be meaningless. Ministries near and dear to me like Ciudad de Angeles and Iron Rose Sister Ministries would be inconsequential. My job, my social life, and my pastimes would be centered solely around my personal gain rather than how I can do those things to serve others.
To that end, I rely heavily on my relationship with God. I’ve come to appreciate that my relationship with God keeps me focused on what truly matters. It keeps me grounded on more holy things and ensures those things take precedence because one who “pursues righteousness... finds life, prosperity and honor” (Prov. 21:21).
Through Jesus, I’ve come to know God more freely and intimately. I value my relationship with Jesus because, without Him, I would not know God. Jesus said, “The Father is in me, and I in the Father” (John 10:38), so to know Jesus is to know God. Personally, I don’t know who I’d be otherwise. Lauren Daigle beautifully expresses in her song, “Thank God I Do,” the value of knowing Jesus.
You're my safe place, my hideaway
You're my anchor, my saving grace
You're my constant, my steadiness
You're my shelter, my oxygen
I don’t know who I’d be if I didn’t know you, I’d probably fall off the edge.
I don’t know where I’d go if you ever let go, so keep me held in your hands.
I don’t know who I’d be if I didn’t know you. Thank God I do.
It’s because of Jesus that we “may have life and may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10 NKJV). Life abounds because of Jesus! I relish that thought because it means that while everything is not always good in life, life is always good. And because I am in relationship with God, I can be less stressed when life goes awry. I certainly do try!
“Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.” (1 Thes. 5:16-18 MSG)
As in any valued relationship, we should be mindful of what’s necessary to keep the relationship strongly tied. I grow spiritually when I am seeking daily to know God better. My Bible studies, my prayer time, and my relationships with other Godly women all help foster my relationship with God (1 Tim. 4:13-16; Titus 2:3-5; Ps. 119:1-2; Ps. 18:6; Ps. 15:29). And I have found that the less time I spend fostering my relationship with God, the more likely my life is to become complicated—or at least the more likely I am to become anxious about those complications. Ultimately, it’s a ploy from the enemy to distract me from growing in my relationship with God. God is worthy of so much more in our relationship than for us to worry about life. And no human trouble is greater than God’s power to overcome it.
“Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety.” (Plato)
What strides will you make to draw closer to Jesus? And thereby God?
Thank You for Showing Me God's Love
Written by Nilaurys Garcia, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Canada
We all need people who nurture us; people we can count on in the most critical moments, both good and complicated. Knowing that we are not alone and that we can count on someone fills us with strength to face many situations. In most cases, these people can be our family, but many of us also find that support in friends—that “family” that we can choose—and give them access to the most vulnerable parts of our beings. Something I learned several years ago is that good friendships are important. Having the right people by our side can make us feel safe, loved, and can help us achieve our goals while we remain at peace. Conversely, being with people who drain, exhaust, and negatively influence us can lead us to make unwise choices and turn away from the truth. As Proverbs 18:24 says, "One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (NIV).
For me, this year has been focused on connections; on cultivating friendships and relationships that will help me connect with who I am, and especially to connect with God. What I have learned, and am especially grateful for, is relationships that make it possible to share experiences, advice, and the same love for spiritual things. They benefit you in a way that no other relationship can. If there is someone special that comes to your mind right now, the Lord has blessed you greatly, and I invite you to take a few minutes to thank them for their friendship and to thank God for putting them in your path.
I want to thank those who have given me a word of encouragement when I needed it most; that unexpected message saying that I was remembered and prayed over, wishing me well. I thank those friends who, although I have done my best to pretend that I am well, can look me in the eye and tell me, “I will pray for you and when you are ready, I will be there to listen to you.” I thank those friends who have become part of my family, my life, and my being, who are willing to lovingly sit with me, unselfishly looking out for my well-being. And, above all, when I need it, they can make me see what I am not doing well or what I must improve. I thank those close friends who celebrate my achievements because they know the effort it took, who jump for joy with me, and know how to dry my tears in times of difficulty. Whenever I think about these relationships, I imagine that their prayers, words of encouragement, and friendship have the same effect that Aaron and Hur had on Moses as they held up his arms when he was too tired to hold them up himself (Ex. 17:12).
I do not particularly need to talk daily with these friends, but they indeed are a constant presence in my life and have marked me so deeply. They are the ones I turn to in those moments of immense joy and extreme difficulty. I am greatly blessed to have friendships who have the same spiritual beliefs and whose presence in my life helps bring me closer to the presence of our God every day and challenge me to be a better version of myself. These friendships are the answers to the prayers I have made asking God to help me stay on His path and that He will send those who are not afraid to come find me wherever I have strayed.
To you, friend, thank you for showing me God's love at all times, and thank you for being willing to share my struggles and burdens. Thank you for being the support I need to grow closer to God every day.