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Katie and MichelleWritten by Katie Forbess, president of Iron Rose Sister Ministries Board 

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. (Pr 27:17 NIV)

During this exciting month of prayer, we are working our way through the prayer calendar. This is a wonderful way of blessing the ministry. There are so many areas covered for us to think about and pray for together. In this way, many of us are able to pray for the people in our lives by breaking into topics and using scripture. 

Another way of praying is to pray through the Common Threads, for yourself or someone else. This, to me, is one of the best resources of IRSM. They are so important that they are incorporated into each of the blog posts. Using them in small groups or even in everyday conversations helps to fulfill the mission of IRSM, which is to help women grow closer to God and to one another. We can use the three parts of the logo as a guide to evaluate what’s going on with ourselves. Then we can transform that into a prayer of our own. Additionally sharing the information with others allows you to pray for each other. That’s awesome!

A Bloom - Which of us doesn’t want a friend to pray for the aspirations of our lives? Reading about wisdom, as it is our theme for this year, makes me want to really grow spiritually in that area, and therefore I want to share that with others so that they can hold that desire up in prayer. 

A Thorn - We all have them, and we know it. What an awesome blessing to have the confidence of another sister to share with. 

An Iron - The three parts of the logo are very special, but the one that really has proven critical to my long-lasting friendships is the iron sharpening iron piece. I suggest you have friends you can ask to hold you accountable to your aspirations to become more like Jesus. Have a friend who can ask the hard questions and make you face a reality that you are struggling to face. 

Michelle often says we are the epitome of Iron Rose Sisters. We have been that for almost 30 years. That means we share and “ooh and ahh” in all the right places as we see each other grow spiritually and become the women that God created us to be (THE ROSE). 

This has happened through many seasons over the last 30 years— ups and downs of life that lead us through valleys and to high mountains all bathed in the prayers of each other, knowing each other's thorns and being able to navigate them, helping each other navigate difficult moments, and prayerfully removing or at least dulling the sharpness of them (THE THORN). 

Michelle is the one I call when I know she will know before I finish saying what I am saying, and what prayers I need. I don’t have to apologize for being myself, but I can be assured that if what I am saying needs some reality and a biblical lens that I’m not looking through, she will provide those. And vice versa! We can and do say things to each other to hold each other accountable and to help each other dig deeper into areas of our lives that need attention (THE IRON).  

Common Threads 16x9 Slide ENGUsing the Common Threads, we decidedly pray for each part of this tool and then place them in God’s hands, not our own. There is no room for power struggles or power trips or manipulation when you hand it over to God. That’s a special relationship. That’s an Iron Rose Sister relationship.  

My prayer for you today is for you to use the Common Threads to pray for yourself as well as other Iron Rose Sisters. I pray they will become part of your daily personal reflections and your conversations with other sisters while you are sharing prayer requests. 

Question - Do you know and understand the parts of the Common Threads well enough to make them a part of your daily life? 

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