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Kassie Written by Kassie Lamoureux, Executive Assistant for Iron Rose Sister Ministries

The week after our college graduation, my friend, Emma, was getting married. I was so excited about the wedding for many reasons; one being that I was finally going to meet Emma’s older sister. I had heard story after story about her over the past few years. And Emma always said, “Oh, you’re going to love her.” A few days before the wedding, Emma’s sister arrived! The first thing I said to her was, “We’ve never met, but I feel like I know you because of how much Emma has talked about you.”

Just as I felt as if I knew Emma’s sister through the stories she told, others should feel as if they know Christ through us as His disciples. We should be talking about the great things Jesus has done in our lives so that the world knows Him. We should be telling others about Him and saying, “Oh, you’re going to love Him.”

Making Jesus known should be a natural response to encountering His love. But it is also a command He gives us. In the book of Matthew, Jesus’ parting words to the apostles before He ascended into heaven were His instructions to spread the Good News so that more would come to know Him.

All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. (Mt 28:18-20 CSB)

It is significant that this command to the apostles is the very last event recorded in Matthew. Jesus had just resurrected, and we know from other gospels that He was about to ascend to heaven. I imagine the apostles were asking Jesus lots of questions about what would happen next. So, Jesus left the apostles with an instruction of what they should do once He was no longer physically with them: Go and tell!

This final command to the apostles is of such importance that it has been given a special name by which we refer: The Great Commission. The word “commission” comes from the same root word as “commitment.” As followers of Jesus, we need to be committed to telling others about Him.

The most notable disciple in Acts who committed himself to making Christ known is Paul. He went on several journeys, for years at a time to introduce people to Jesus. He often returned years later to encourage the church, reminding them of “the Lord in whom they believed.

When they had appointed elders for them in every church and prayed with fasting, they committed them to the Lord in whom they had believed. (Ac 14:23)

The Great Commission was not only a command for the early disciples. All are called to share the Good News of Jesus.

Another way to think about the word “commission” is to break it down into two parts:

  1. “Co” – with, together, joint
  2. “Mission” – assignment, operation, task, or goal

The Great Commission is the invitation for us as Jesus’ disciples to join (co-) in Jesus’ operation (-mission) to bring all people to God— to make Him known throughout all the world. How cool it is that we have an all-powerful God who doesn’t need our help, but He invites us to participate in the story He is unfolding!

Today, how can you join God’s mission in making Him known? Who can you tell about Jesus? And don’t forget to add “Oh, you’re going to love Him.”

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