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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
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crown of thornsI can be my own worst critic and my own worst enemy. I know most of my flaws intimately and often recognize them just after they have raised their ugly heads. Then, I beat myself up for having hurt others through my own failings.

“All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Keenly aware of my shortcomings, the “falling short” aspect feels like a two-year-old trying to jump as high as a seven-foot basketball player and falling way short.

The beautiful thing is that no matter if we are two-foot-two or seven-foot-two, God makes up the difference. The blood of His Son washes over any and all of our sticky parts, shortcomings, failures, thorns in our flesh, or missteps. And His love is what compels us to learn from those mistakes and strive to do better in the future (2 Cor. 5:14-15). His sacrifice makes it possible for us to be seen by God as blameless and pure (Heb 10:14). He is even able to cleanse our conscience (Heb. 10:22)!

Christ’s crown of thorns eliminates the shame from the thorns in my life.

If the thorn in your life is a sin, yes, it needs to be removed. But God can still use you, through your confession and repentance to bring Him glory. He can use your testimony about that thorn to draw others to Him.

If the thorn in your life is a challenge you wish you didn’t have to face, remember that His grace is sufficient for you and that His power is made perfect in weakness (2 Cor. 12:7-10). Own and boast in your thorn, not in a prideful way, but in a way that allows God’s power to shine even brighter through your life.

When we are dealing with our “sticky parts,” remember that God loves you, sticky parts and all. He sent His Son to redeem you, cleanse you, and usher you into a sanctified life through Christ. His mercies that are new every morning mean that we are not treated as our “sticky parts” deserve. Rather, through His grace, not through our own efforts or merit, or as a competition of who has fewer sticky parts, God offers us a free gift of redemption, cleansing, and freedom. May we find rest in those promises when we are overly critical of our “sticky parts.”

And if you do not yet know the freedom found through the sacrifice of His Son, we would love to put you in touch with someone who can study the Bible with you locally or virtually.

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