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2020 08 26 Maribel Preciado Dependemos los unos de los otrosWritten by an anonymous volunteer.

"I do not want to see anybody." Have you felt like this? That all you want is to be as far away from everyone as possible? Your life is full of threads that connect you to many people. "How can I be independent?" The answer is: "You can't." We depend on each other.

God designed you perfect. Yes! Just as you are: the color of your skin, the place where you live, the way you have grown up; all that is part of you, of what defines your person. You are part of a wonderful whole. Your role in the universe is a key piece, and the development of the potential for which you have been designed will help everything to work better.

Surely you have heard the expression that says, "The universe conspires to achieve what you really want ..." Think for a moment, without excuses, about your role in the Body of Christ, the Church.

"For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function.” (Rom. 12:4)

What is your function? We are called to serve. The moment you gave your life to Christ, you promised to give Jesus all the authority over your life. But are you giving Him all the authority? It is easier to understand Christ as the Savior, the Redeemer, or as The King. You are not in control! It is Jesus, your King, who has all the authority in your life. Decide to be part of His plan. Don't you find it wonderful? It is like putting the pieces of a puzzle together (you are one) and seeing the whole picture, with all the shades and details. When your function in the body is fulfilled, then you will rest.

One of the struggles of the human being (more for women) is the tendency to compare to others. "I would like to sing like her ..." "I wish I could teach like that ..." This feeling of, "I'm not like her ..." is very dangerous. It is good that you are not like her! Each of us is unique, to be used as living and polished stones, in the temple or house of God.

There is diversity of gifts and functions within the Body, the Church. God is the same. Your God is my God and that makes the difference. The Spirit that you have is the same that I have. In 1 Corinthians 12, the body of Christ is compared to the physical body. This reminds me of the brother who had an accident at work and lost a small part of his finger. It hurts. He misses it. He realized that even that part was useful. It is gone.

Where are you? Are you working for the Body?

Your King and Lord commands you: "Go, and make disciples of all nations." Let us be witnesses to that cross, where grace and justice met, where your burdens and mine were released, where love and forgiveness echo wonderfully. Let us be carriers of the truth, the truth that interrupted time.

I invite you to do your part, to fulfill your role and share your faith, today. There is no other who can do it like you do.

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