A perfect welcome home
I returned to a perfect welcome home present: Boxes of Who Has the Last Word? and ¿Quién tiene la última palabra?
Before leaving on my trip to Bolivia and Peru, I was feeling overwhelmed by the final steps of the publication of the book, some personal family stresses, and other responsibilities...
However, the relief I felt after approving the final digital proof of the books, paralleled my feelings after completing my master’s thesis and graduating from Louisiana State University in 2011. (They are almost the same length at over 300 pages of stories from current women’s lives and from God’s Word.) -
Do you know me? You aren’t the only one!
How well do we know each other? There are some friends whose sentences I can finish. I have been known to freak some people out by the way in which I get inside their heads and seem to know what they are thinking.
Maybe we met at a conference I gave in your local church. Perhaps we have worshipped at the same congregation. Whether we have met only once, or have been on a road trip together, I would like to think you have gotten to know me a little better through this blog.
Transparency and authenticity have been markers for the stories I share. So, in honor of my birthday, I am going to ask a few questions to see how well you know me. But, stay tuned through the end... there will be a spiritual application with an introduction to this month’s blog theme.
Freedom in Truth, Captivity in Lies
Freedom is found through Truth while lies enslave and entrap.
“My son got diabetes and died from complications of the disease because God was punishing me for marrying a non-Christian... I’ve made so many bad decisions in my life that there is no way God wants to hear from me. I feel like I can’t talk to Him because I know He won’t listen to me.”
This was not a statement I expected to hear from a seventy-two year old woman, one who had been a Christian for years, but who was letting Satan have the last word.
Humbled by the scenario before me, I thanked God for the opportunity to speak words of truth and freedom into this sister’s life. She had been living her entire life entrapped by Satan’s lies, burdened by guilt.
I began, “You have three grown children, right?” A loving glimmer filled her eyes and she responded in the affirmative.
“And, even today, when one of your kids is in trouble or has done something wrong, do you want them to avoid you or come to you so that you can comfort them, advise them, and show them love?”
“Well, of course I want them to come to me!”
“And do you think that our loving Heavenly Father is any different when one of His children messes up? Don’t you think He longs to comfort us, advise us, and shower us with His love?”
“I’ve never thought of it that way before...”
The following Sunday, upon greeting my friend, her face was one of peace and she looked as if she had lost 100 pounds off her already small frame. The joy stemming from her newfound freedom was unquenchable. She had embraced the truth of God’s abounding love, giving Him the last word in her life.
Satan wants to rob us of the abundant life Christ offers (John 10:10), but there is hope for redemption, freedom, forgiveness, and even a clean conscience! Shame and guilt do not have to define our lives and our relationships.
Satan creates a negative filter through which we see our actions and decisions. We become focused on our sin and unworthiness instead of the grace and forgiveness that God offers.
Even if we have intellectually accepted God’s forgiveness, it can be hard to forgive ourselves, especially on an emotional level. The shame we feel from our past sins overshadows the cleansing power of God’s grace.
God’s forgiveness is real and redeeming. When He buys us back, the slate is washed clean. We are able to start anew.
“ ‘Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool’” (Isa. 1:18).
Taken from Chapter 10 of Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word. We invite you to gather with a group of women to walk together toward freedom—true freedom that is only found through Truth. Even today, you can take advantage of the invitation to freedom through the Lie/Truth Chart: Recognizing the Lie, Replacing the Lie with Truth and Remembering the Truth through a specific Bible verse.
I Have Hidden Your Word In My Heart
With a word, God spoke the world into existence. And with a word, Jesus healed the royal official’s son and the royal official “took Jesus at his word” (John 4:50).
With a word, Peter betrayed his Lord. But later, he transformed his words, preaching a Spirit-led sermon on the day of Pentecost, and affirming, along with John that “we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).
Moses did not think himself capable of eloquent words, yet God used him to declare to Pharaoh the freeing words of promise for God’s people, “Let my people go” (Ex. 5:1).
Words are powerful. Words have brokered peace and have started wars. Words can start a relationship, and can end it just as quickly. Words can affirm or destroy, build up or tear down, empower or imprison. -
Intro to Truth
I forgot my belt at home the other day. And I was not wearing a pair of pants that made that okay. I spent the whole day distracted by my sagging pants. I couldn’t walk as quickly and had to take extra time to take care of my clothes.
My mild annoyance does not compare with the necessity of a belt as reflected in Ephesians 6:14.
In Bible times, a belt was an even more vital part of the wardrobe. The belt, sash, or girdle, was wrapped around the waist, and held the wearer’s clothes in place. It allowed the person to move around, walk, and even run, freely. Imagine trying to cook, walk, or carry something while also holding up your robes.
Lies, Truth, and the Abundant Life
This month, we are highlighting various portions of the book Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word.We invite you to gather a group of women this fall and walk together to Recognize the Lies, Replace the Lies with Truth and Remember the Truth through specific scriptures.
As a part of my civic duty and in fulfillment of a jury summons, I spent a full day at the local courthouse, most of it in courtroom 406 where a judge explained the judicial process, defined legal terms, and asked pertinent questions of the jury pool after reading the charges for the accused. It was a complicated criminal trial that would take a full week’s service.I was later dismissed and left with the curiosity of how the trial would end, but relieved to not have to spend a week in court weighing the facts and determining, based on those facts, the guilt or innocence of the accused.
I have always been fascinated by crime shows and mysteries—ones that I can watch at a distance and that don’t hit too close to home. However, as a different judge mentioned that morning, “If you’ve ever watched Law & Order, they don’t show this part on TV because it is boring and there’s nothing we can do about it.” He was right. But I found myself not bored, but rather intrigued by things I observed that day.
While the judge in courtroom 406 reminded everyone of the judicial process and the attorneys asked their probing questions of the potential jurors, what most caught my attention was the number of times someone referred to truth and lies.
The question was asked: How do you determine if someone is telling the truth? Can you trust the testimony of someone that has a prior conviction? What if someone changes their story? What about their body language might indicate that they are telling the truth or not?
These and many others are valid questions that are not faced exclusively in a courtroom. In our own heads, we serve as judge and jury every time a thought crosses our mind. We must discern whether the thought is a lie or truth, then act accordingly. Just like the little angel and the little devil on each shoulder in many cartoons, we have competing ideas, which go to war and can steal our peace.
Satan has always been quite adept at convincing us that a lie is truth. He works his wiles and devises his schemes to distort truth and introduce doubt. The good news is that Satan does not have the last word.
In a courtroom, the judge has the final say in the verdict. He helps the jury judiciously arrive at truth. In life, Jesus is our Advocate, our Mediator—the One who has the final word.
Who has the last word in your life? I invite you to join with me and other Christian sisters as we explore these chapters together and cut through Satan’s lies with the truth of God’s Word.
We will learn to recognize the lie, replace it with truth, and remember that truth when attacked. We will learn tools to help us remember those truths by creating Lie/Truth Charts, through the Common Threads, and by hiding His Word in our hearts.
Are you ready to live the abundant life of faith, hope, and love that God promises? To start out the month, I will share one of the stories from chapter 9 that illustrates how we Recognize, Replace, and Remember.
Valley Time (from chapter 9, Who Has the Last Word?)
While I could share from some of my personal experience, please allow my friend, Sherry to describe her own situation near the end of 2009.I was in a very dark place. There were battles on every front and I felt as though I was losing every battle. One day I decided I didn’t want to fight anymore. I was tired. I packed a bag and placed it in the trunk of my car while no one in my household was present. Later in the day I announced I was running an errand when in actuality I was running away. I did not tell my husband or my closest friends where I was going. The truth is I did not know myself.
My first stop was the Grist Mill at Stone Mountain Park (Atlanta, Georgia). It was one of my favorite places to retreat and pray, and so I did. I stayed at the park for a couple of hours pleading with God for reprieve from the battle. While I was vigorously waving a white flag, it was as though it was waved in front of blind eyes. I was plummeting deeper into darkness.
It was decision time but I did not like the choices I was giving myself. I decided the safest decision was to give myself more time away from every person and every responsibility. I sent a text to my husband telling him I was fine but I still needed some time alone. He was very gracious. It was at that point I turned off my cell phone and I checked into a hotel. By the time I got to my room my voice mailbox had several messages from my husband and from one of my dearest friends. It was a couple of hours before I could listen to the messages and a while longer until I could respond. What words did I have to explain my behavior? None.
In their writings, both Oswald Chambers and C.S. Lewis describe something called the Dark Night of the Soul. They could write about it because it was their experience at one time or another in their own lives. It certainly describes my experience too. If you are like me you often equate darkness with evil and that does not bode well with this Christ-follower. The truth is even in my darkest moment, and in His silence, I sensed the presence of God or as I have since described it, the Shadow of God.
David paints the picture well in Psalm 23:
“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, and he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for YOU ARE WITH ME; your rod and staff they comfort me.”On that day several years ago, God had not abandoned me. Looking back now I can see He made incredible provision. In the valley, He gave me a quiet place to lie down, His presence, and His Word and Spirit to guide me out of the valley and to a much better place. His faithfulness then is all I need now to remind me that any valley-time I face is still proof of His love.
This month, we are highlighting various portions of the book Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word.We invite you to gather a group of women this fall and walk together to Recognize the Lies, Replace the Lies with Truth and Remember the Truth through specific scriptures.
#IronRoseSister #WhoHastheLastWord #WLW #psalm23
Recognize the Lie
We will be unable to recognize the lies until we bring them to the light of the Word. And when exposed, like cockroaches, they will flee!
Eve had lost her focus. 2 Corinthians 11:3 gives us a similar warning, "But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ."
We allow Satan’s influence to rattle our faith, lose our sight of hope, and lead us to feel unloved. It is easy to get sidetracked or distracted, and thus have a distorted view of truth. We may not recognize it ourselves if left to our own devices. God has given us His Word and His body, the church, as ways to keep us in check and help reveal those lies that have us entrapped, distracting us from true faith, hope, and love. -
Recognize the Lie
You can rob a bank with a toy gun because someone believes the lie. And while I am not advocating this practice, I am in awe of its reality. Ignoring the fact that robbing a bank is a wrong and illegal action, it seems ridiculous that someone would endeavor to do so using a toy gun. But which is the bigger fool: the robber using a toy gun or the banker that believes the lie and hands over the money?
A lie is only powerful inasmuch as we believe it and act on it. If the banker had been familiar with guns, maybe even owned a gun of his own, he might have readily recognized the fake and not become paralyzed by fear.
We are best able to recognize the lie when we are familiar with the truth.
Recognizing God’s Voice (from chapter 9, Who Has the Last Word?)
Elijah recognized God’s voice as a whisper (1 Kings 19:12-13). The sheep recognized and followed the voice of the Good Shepherd (John 10:2-5). It’s about knowing God, not just about Him, in order to recognize His voice of truth in the midst of trying times.The more time we spend in the Word, the more we come to know His words, and the easier it is to discern His words of truth amidst the bombardment of lies.
My sister and brother-in-law were on a camping trip outside of cell range. But our other housemate needed to reach them in order to ask permission to bring home a puppy she wanted to adopt.
“Michelle! I can’t reach Kim and Paxton and I really want to bring this puppy home!” Shannon proceeded to describe the dog, and then went into her rapid-fire questions. “I need to know what you think they would say. I don’t want to get it and have it at the house without their permission, but there is no way the puppy will still be here tomorrow. It’ll only be like two weeks because, after that, I move out, and we’ll be headed home for our wedding... What do I do?!”
I considered Shannon’s predicament and responded, “I hate to speak for them, but I understand you really want the dog and want to at least check with someone who knows them well.” I continued with a few points that I thought they would make, and things that should be taken into consideration, like how their own dogs would respond.
Shannon thanked me and was going to try and call them one more time, but had decided that she would probably go ahead and get the puppy...
A couple of hours later, I met Shannon and her fiancé at the house to help introduce the puppy to my sister and brother-in law’s dogs. After the dogs’ initial introductions, Shannon looked at me, surprised.
“I forgot to tell you. I was able to reach Kim on the phone and ask her about the puppy. She mentioned every single one of the things you said she would. Some of the things she said were verbatim what you said!”
I smiled and responded, “Well, we kind of know each other.” Sisters, living in the same house, conversing, spending time together... I didn’t want to speak for her, but I felt confident that I would represent her to the best of my ability because I knew her and I knew her voice.
May we come to know God’s voice so intimately!
Satan’s lies scream in attack. God’s voice is a gentle whisper of comfort and hope in the midst of the storm. When we listen for God’s voice and are attentive to His words of truth, Satan’s clamoring is quieted. And God gets the last word.
Yet sometimes, we have trouble recognizing the lies on our own. Here is a story in which I helped someone recognize a lie she had believed for years (from chapter 10, Who Has the Last Word?):
“My son got diabetes and died from complications of the disease because God was punishing me for marrying a non-Christian... I’ve made so many bad decisions in my life that there is no way God wants to hear from me. I feel like I can’t talk to Him because I know He won’t listen to me.”
This was not a statement I expected to hear from a seventy-two-year-old woman, one who had been a Christian for years, but who was letting Satan have the last word.
Humbled by the scenario before me, I thanked God for the opportunity to speak words of truth and freedom into this sister’s life. She had been living her entire life entrapped by Satan’s lies, burdened by guilt.
I began, “You have three grown children, right?” A loving glimmer filled her eyes and she responded in the affirmative.
“And, even today, when one of your kids is in trouble or has done something wrong, do you want them to avoid you or come to you so that you can comfort them, advise them, and show them love?”
“Well, of course I want them to come to me!”
“And do you think that our loving Heavenly Father is any different when one of His children messes up? Don’t you think He longs to comfort us, advise us, and shower us with His love?”
“I’ve never thought of it that way before...”
The following Sunday, upon greeting my friend, her face was one of peace and she looked as if she had lost 100 pounds off her already small frame. The joy stemming from her newfound freedom was unquenchable. She had embraced the truth of God’s abounding love, giving Him the last word in her life.
This month, we are highlighting various portions of the book Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word. We invite you to gather a group of women this fall and walk together to Recognize the Lies, Replace the Lies with Truth and Remember the Truth through specific scriptures.
#IronRoseSister #WLW #truth
Remember the Truth
We are forgetful by nature. God knows how forgetful we are and throughout the centuries has provided us with reminders of His faithfulness, His sovereignty, and His love.
As we remember the power of the truth in God’s Word, may we not forget: Truth is powerful because God is truth. Jesus Himself said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father, except through me” (John 14:6).
God has always set up ways for us to remember. What practice did He establish for the Israelites to remember how He rescued them from slavery in Egypt? See Deuteronomy 16:1, Exodus 12:24-28. (For the full story, read all of Ex. 12.)
What was the reminder of redemption established in the book of Esther 9:23-28?
Moving to the New Testament, what is the reminder that Jesus, Himself, established that we should do in remembrance of Him and His sacrifice (1 Cor. 11:23-26; Matt. 26:26-30)?
What is the significance of remembering Jesus’ sacrifice on a regular basis?
I have lived in many places and visited churches across the world. One of the most beautiful things is that on a Sunday morning, no matter where I have worshipped, no matter whether or not I understood the language, there was a shared understanding when we ate the bread and drank the cup together.
The Lord’s Supper is one of my mom’s favorite parts of worship because she can close her eyes and picture each of the other members of the family taking it, in whatever city or country we find ourselves that day.
It is a time that is set aside to reflect and remember. More than 70 times in the Bible, God calls us to “remember.” He knows that we are forgetful and that even if we know something, we need to be reminded of it. Peter says in 2 Peter 1:12-13 that He will not cease to remind us of the things we already know, because we are forgetful.
God not only gave us the Holy Spirit as a helper and one who walks by our side, but He also gave us His church.
The challenge is: Satan wants to do all he can to hinder us from tapping into the resources that God provides.
He tells us that we are a failure if we ask for help, just like he did with Josephine, whose story I share below (chapter 8, Who Has the Last Word?).
Josephine drove her Camaro from California, halfway across the country to attend college. The university setting, away from family and friends, was a stressful transition.
“I began to withdraw socially. At first, it was an unconscious decision. I avoided the cafeteria, telling myself I had no time for lunch or dinner because I needed to study or practice my music. Overwhelmed with the new homework load and feeling quite out of my comfort zone, I found excuses not to socialize or eat.
“Eventually, it became difficult to eat in public. No red flags went off in my mind. If days had gone by and I was physically weak, I would tell myself that I didn’t have time for a sit-down meal and would drive through somewhere quickly, constantly checking the rearview mirror, afraid that someone might catch me eating. Still no red flags.”
One Monday afternoon, on a segment of Oprah about eating disorders, a woman walked through her “normal” day. Josephine said, “It was like looking in a mirror. That was the moment I realized I had a problem, but I was already so conditioned in my thought patterns and behaviors, I didn’t know how to get out of it.”
Asking for help was a new concept since life had been somewhat idyllic up to that point. She now felt out of control and drowning in loneliness. “I was moody (not eating will do that to you), and kept busy studying in order to avoid the real problem.
“I could have asked for help. People cared. An acquaintance from back home went to school with me there. He was my only friend, really, and having seen the dramatic change from high school to college, he tried to intervene. He would call me most nights after curfew and invite me to lunch the next day. Every night, I would accept, but when the time came for me to eat a meal with him, I would become insecure about whether he was judging my portion sizes or calculating my calorie intake—men, by the way, don’t think that deeply.
“I often initiated an argument with my only friend and walked away angry for the sake of not having to eat in public. Every night, he would call and check up on me, I would apologize, and he’d say, “Want to try again tomorrow?” He was a friend when I didn’t deserve one.”
Josephine spent the entire year starving herself, isolating, and living under the lie that she had everything under control. She never let anyone know what life was really like.
“Admitting I needed help, in my mind at the time, meant failure.”
“My future was unknown territory. I had spent my whole life with a plan and that plan was unraveling. My anxiety got the best of me, and my mind transformed into needing to control the only thing I could: my diet.”
Josephine’s vocal coach was the one that forced her hand. The coach noticed weakness, stress in her voice, and a change in behavior. Counseling was a difficult, but necessary step if she wanted to stay in school. The counselor encouraged her to talk with her parents, in spite of her fear of disappointing or worrying them.
Fast-forward two healthy years later. Josephine was traveling the world, getting involved in mission trips, and using her second language for God’s kingdom. She loved her life, but it was a battle won, not the war.
“Satan never gives up the fight. When my schedule got too busy, or when some guy dumped me, I would have trouble with my old behaviors and damaging thoughts. It caused me, at times, to be either very shy or too forward with men. I regret that too. I was looking for approval when I already had God’s.
“Satan lied when he tried to convince me that I must have all the answers now. He lied when he sent me the message that I was a failure if I asked for help—that’s what a church family is for! He lied when he tried to tell me I was not good enough. I am perfectly and wonderfully made!
“Nowadays, I let my good Christian friends know when I need prayers. I seek out professional help from time to time when I need it. Satan never stops fighting and neither will I, but I no longer fight alone. The verse that has always been there and helped me to remember who is in the driver’s seat is Psalm 4:8. It’s a simple verse, but for someone like me to give it over to God every night and lie down in peace, knowing that He makes me to dwell in safety, it is a huge one.”
“In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” (Ps. 4:8).
This month, we are highlighting various portions of the book Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word. We invite you to gather a group of women this fall and walk together to Recognize the Lies, Replace the Lies with Truth and Remember the Truth through specific scriptures.
#IronRoseSister #WhoHastheLastWord #truth&lies #WLW
Replace the lie with truth
What happens when we are focused on the lie? Allow me to provide an illustration: It’s the New Year and you have decided to join your friend at the gym and in a diet that eliminates all sugar for the first thirty days. No problem, right? Yeah, right! It’s now January 8th and your sister has a birthday. All you can think about is her favorite chocolate cake that will be at the party. You become consumed by the chocolate cake. All your thoughts are focused on the chocolate cake. The party is tomorrow and your ability to maintain your resolve for the diet with your friend is wavering. I mean, it’s chocolate cake!
So, you decide that you can conquer this temptation. “I am not going to think about the chocolate cake. I’m not going to think about the chocolate cake. I am NOT going to think about the chocolate cake.” What is the only thing you are thinking about? Yep. The chocolate cake.
You have to replace the thoughts about chocolate cake with something else: “I’m going to bring a sugar-free chocolate bar with me and focus on the blessing of time with family.” Problem solved? Not for all eternity, but maybe for the birthday party and today’s temptation.
Lacey’s Story (from chapter 6, Who Has the Last Word?)
Lacey needed to be reminded that she was not alone. Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, in a whirlwind of doctor’s appointments, x-rays, whispered conversations, concerned looks, and consultations, Lacey was sent to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. An osteosarcoma tumor had broken through the bone in her left leg about an inch and a half under her kneecap.Lacey and her mom were not close before, but when she was yanked out of her junior year of high school so she could move out of state to fight the aggressive cancer, she developed a new appreciation and respect for her mom. Lacey’s mom gave encouragement and a never-ending supply of Yoo-hoo Chocolate Drink™ through chemo and multiple surgeries, including the removal of the left leg bone and calf muscle.
Lacey’s mom was a rock for her daughter, but Lacey still felt very alone. Before leaving for Memphis, she felt as though she wasn’t the most popular teenager in the youth group, and was
unsure how many people in her home church in Baton Rouge even knew her. Now, she was three states away and all alone.But as she was bombarded with texts, cards, calls, and notes that told her how much she was loved, that she was prayed for, and that she was not alone, the message began to sink in. To this day, an encouragement pillow signed by dozens of members of the church is a treasured possession as it reminds Lacey of the constant prayers and support of her church family.
When I asked Lacey if I could share her story and the way that God and the church helped her battle the lie that she was alone, she responded, “I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE FOR YOU TO USE MY STORY! I believe that I went through all that I did for a reason, and that reason is to help others who feel hopeless or who are going through what I went through. I'm proof that cancer is survivable, and if I didn't share my story to help others, even though it's really hard sometimes, everything I went through would have been for nothing!”
She continued, “James 5:11 is my favorite verse because Job is my favorite story in the Bible. Satan tried to tell me that because I was going through a hard time far away from home that I wasn't going to make it because I was alone. But God showed me that I had a church family that stood behind me more than I ever thought they would because I mattered more to God than I thought I did.” Amen! I applaud Lacey for sharing her story and for giving God the last word.
Have you ever had a time when you realized that you mattered more to God than you thought you did? Describe how He revealed his love to you and reminded you that you weren’t alone. (Be sure to include a verse that can, in the future, help you remember that truth again.)This month, we are highlighting various portions of the book Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word. We invite you to gather a group of women this fall and walk together to Recognize the Lies, Replace the Lies with Truth and Remember the Truth through specific scriptures.
#IronRoseSister #WhoHastheLastWord #WLW #truth
The story of one who Recognized, Replaced, and Remembered
In conclusion for this month, I am going to share one final story from chapter 12, Who Has the Last Word?Her story serves as an excellent example of recognizing the lie, replacing it with truth, and remembering the truth through God´s Word.
Linda’s Story
The enemy is so deceiving. He is aware of our weakness and ready to charge when the gates are open. “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Pet. 5:8). God has entrusted in us to keep Him as our gatekeeper.When I thought my gate was secure, I had myself in a very vulnerable position. There is most likely one main reason why I was so vulnerable: I wasn’t allowing God to be Lord of my life.
My husband and I had been raising three beautiful children. Dan worked hard to provide, so that I could be a stay at home mom: a privilege I dreamed of being. We were trying our best to raise our children up in the Lord, attending church, making sure they were in Sunday school, involved in youth activities, paying for them to attend a private Christian school, active in our service for God, and surrounded by Christian friends.
We had learned the “way of the Christian life.” It was challenging. We had both been raised in loving homes but did not have the example of what a Christian home looked like. I am very grateful for these privileges God granted and blessed us with. And the mercy He had on our
parenting skills.From the outside, our lives looked pretty well intact. But I had learned to act the part. In other words, I was not in a deep enough relationship with God to know Him very well, and to rely on Him, rather than on myself. So one of the first lies I believed that my life was “good enough.” Especially when I compared it to my parents’, I was doing so much better than what I had been taught. Oh, the sin of arrogance.
My husband had been running his own business for several years. Being self-employed has many of its own challenges, and it definitely takes much of your time and energy. So, to make this long story short, and so that I don’t write my own book within Michelle’s book, I will just put this right out there: I fell into the sinful relationship of an affair.
It was a very selfish choice on my part and there are no good excuses. I blame no one but myself. But on the other hand, and brighter side of this story, I have repented, been forgiven and redeemed by the love, grace, and mercy of our amazing and victorious God.My husband and family have also granted me that same love and forgiveness. Our marriage is restored! All glory and honor to God!!!!
It was shortly before my oldest graduated from high school. My kids were becoming more independent, and I wasn’t feeling as needed by them. My husband was working very hard to provide and manage his business, so I started feeling lonely and believing many lies:
Lie: I’m not important to my husband.
Lie: I’m not a priority.
Lie: I feel so empty.
Lie: My husband doesn’t care about what I’m doing each day.
Lie: All he wants from me is sex.
Lie: I deserve better.
Lie: This other man has become a better friend than my own husband; he cares more about me.
Lie: This other man knows me and understands me better than even my own family does.
Lie: God must have brought us together.I truly believe if I had been into God’s Word and seeking Him for fulfillment, I would not have fallen. His word is truth and it has the capability to empower, strengthen, protect, and change. And without it, I would have no hope. If I had continued down that road of sin, I would not have the power of God within me to see the truth of His promises now. He brings goodness, mercy, grace, and faithfulness.
I am forever grateful for God’s loving compassion, and His patience. He says He will never leave us. That is a promise, and I believe it! Although I had turned from Him, God still pursued me and fought for me. He loves each and every one of us that much! I praise God for the truth of His Word that brought me out of a slimy pit and back into His loving arms. Even after heading down the road of repentance, I still had to battle with the lies.
Lie: I hurt too many people to be forgiven.
Lie: My sin is too big to recover from.
Lie: Even if God forgives me, no one else will.
Lie: I was so foolish. I should’ve known better. How could I have done this to my family? (Forgiving myself was a huge battle.)With the support and patience of my loving husband and family, as well as other people in my life that had my best interest at heart, they constantly pointed the way to God. My willingness and desire to surrender my heart back to God allowed Him to speak truth back into me. Just a few of the verses, marked in my Bible, which spoke truth, hope, and love over me were these:
The truth is, God means what He says. “Every word of God is flawless” (Prov. 30:5).
The truth is, nothing I do or don’t do can change the love my God has for me. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the GIFT of God, not by works, so that no one can boast” (Eph. 2:8-9).
Truth: I don’t have to rely on my own strength. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12:9).
Another truth: God understands me and loves me, a lot! “But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness” (Ps. 86:15).
Truth: There is hope when I submit to God, and He will restore what I’ve messed up. “... in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” (Prov. 3:6).
Truth: God wants to protect me and bless my life. “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give life in all its fullness” (John 10:10).
The truth: God knows I will fall and He promises to catch me. “The Lord is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does. The Lord upholds all who fall” (Ps. 145:13-14).Praise God for His most perfect gift, the Bible! There is no other avenue more convicting and empowering than God’s Word.
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all,” (2 Cor. 13:14) as you embrace the abundant life He offers. Amen.
This month, we are highlighting various portions of the book Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word. We invite you to gather a group of women this fall and walk together to Recognize the Lies, Replace the Lies with Truth and Remember the Truth through specific scriptures.
#IronRoseSister #WhoHastheLastWord #rememberthetruth #truth #WLW
Truth: Promise of an abundant life
Truth is an elusive concept. It is treated as a fluid and relative term, catering to the needs of some or the popularity of many. As an abstract idea, the concrete nature of Christ as the embodiment of truth can be difficult to grasp—especially if His truth clashes with my opinion.
But I can’t have both. I must relinquish the right to my opinion in order to embrace truth and accept the abundant life Jesus offers.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” (John 10:10).
The father of lies is practiced at distorting truth and distracting us from the unrelenting, merciful truths found in Scripture.
Valley Time
Written by Sherry Hubright, Volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Georgia
Shared in Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word, written by Michelle J. GoffI was in a very dark place. There were battles on every front and I felt as though I was losing every battle. One day I decided I didn’t want to fight anymore. I was tired. I packed a bag and placed it in the trunk of my car while no one in my household was present. Later in the day I
announced I was running an errand when in actuality I was running away. I did not tell my husband or my closest friends where I was going. The truth is I did not know myself.My first stop was the Grist Mill at Stone Mountain Park (Atlanta, Georgia). It was one of my favorite places to retreat and pray, and so I did. I stayed at the park for a couple of hours pleading with God for reprieve from the battle. While I was vigorously waving a white flag, it was as though it was waved in front of blind eyes. I was plummeting deeper into darkness.
It was decision time, but I did not like the choices I was giving myself. I decided the safest decision was to give myself more time away from every person and every responsibility. I sent a text to my husband telling him I was fine, but I still needed some time alone. He was very gracious. It was at that point I turned off my cell phone and I checked into a hotel. By the time I got to my room my voice mailbox had several messages from my husband and from one of my dearest friends. It was a couple of hours before I could listen to the messages and a while longer until I could respond. What words did I have to explain my behavior? None.In their writings, both Oswald Chambers and C.S. Lewis describe something called the Dark Night of the Soul. They could write about it because it was their experience at one time or another in their own lives. It certainly describes my experience too. If you are like me you often equate darkness with evil and that does not bode well with this Christ-follower. The truth is even in my darkest moment, and in His silence, I sensed the presence of God or as I have since described it, the Shadow of God.
David paints the picture well in Psalm 23:
“The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, and he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for YOU ARE WITH ME; your rod and staff they comfort me.”
On that day several years ago, God had not abandoned me. Looking back now I can see He made incredible provision. In the valley, He gave me a quiet place to lie down, His presence, and His Word and Spirit to guide me out of the valley and to a much better place. His faithfulness then is all I need now to remind me that any valley-time I face is still proof of His love.
What would Sherry’s Lie/Truth Chart look like?RECOGNIZE
the lie
(in your own words)REPLACE
the lie with truth
(in your own words)REMEMBER
the truth
(biblical reference)Thank you, Sherry, for sharing your story! Together, we can give God the last word when assaulted by the lies compounded by depression.
From Psalm 91:
“He who dwells in the shelter (covering, hiding place) of the Most High, will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord: He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust… He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings will you find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day…”
#IronRoseSister #HIStories #depression #valleytime #lietruthchart #WhoHastheLastWord #guestwriter #blog
Who Has the Last Word?
Remembering the truth allows God to have the last Word—not our fears, not the lies, not the pain, nor the despair. The truth of God’s Word cuts through lies like nothing else.
It is my goal with this book to paint a picture with my words, share a story that inspires, and quote a scripture that breathes truth and hope into a shattered life, battered by lies. These will not exclusively be my stories told on the pages of this interactive Bible study. The timeless tales come from the Bible—powerful messages that transform our lives and fill us with hope. The other testimonies in each chapter come from the lives of women willing to impart some of the wisdom and truth gleaned from the dark days of their soul—lessons learned and verses clung to as they wrestled through Satan’s personal attacks and came to own powerful truths found in God’s Word.
In Who Has the Last Word? you will walk with these women through the entrapping lies into the freedom of truth. And you will explore the truths of Scripture as the Word of God breathes faith, hope, and love in abundance into your lungs, filling you with new life in Christ.
All other things shall cease, but these three remain: faith, hope, and love; and the greatest of these is love (1 Cor. 13:13).