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M bdayHow well do we know each other? There are some friends whose sentences I can finish. I have been known to freak some people out by the way in which I get inside their heads and seem to know what they are thinking.
Maybe we met at a conference I gave in your local church. Perhaps we have worshipped at the same congregation. Whether we have met only once, or have been on a road trip together, I would like to think you have gotten to know me a little better through this blog.
Transparency and authenticity have been markers for the stories I share. So, in honor of my birthday, I am going to ask a few questions to see how well you know me. But, stay tuned through the end... there will be a spiritual application with an introduction to this month’s blog theme.
1. What is my favorite color?
2. My favorite flower:
3. Two favorite sports teams:
4. Where I was born:
5. My favorite kind of cake:
6. Coffee or tea?
7. The five cities I have lived in as an adult:
8. One of my top five favorite Bible verses:
9. What I am most honored and humbled to be a part of through IRSM:
10. One of the biggest way in which Satan attacks me personally:
Congrats if you knew the answers to all of those questions!
God knows us each intimately—the number of hairs on our head and how many are gray, the things that bring us joy, and those that push our buttons.
Unfortunately, God is not the only one who recognizes who we are on a deeper level. Satan attacks with a vengeance in a very personal way, respective to our particular temptations, insecurities, and weaknesses.
The father of lies is intent to steal, kill, and destroy, thus hindering the abundant life that Jesus promised in John 10:10. However, we have the choice not give him the last word.
Throughout this month, we will reflect on the power of truth to cut through Satan’s lies and reclaim the abundant life in Christ. The blog posts will also serve as an introduction to the third book, which will be available by the end of the year! Who Has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s Lies with the Truth of God’s Word

BONUS: Those who respond correctly to first nine questions will be entered into a drawing for a free copy of the 3rd book! (You can respond on Facebook, by commenting on the blog, or via email: ironrosesister@gmail.com)

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