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You can also mail checks, made out to IRSM, to:
Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR 72145
IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.
Unveiled: Our Transformed Website
God knows what we need when we need it. And when he put Wendy Neill in my life, it quickly became obvious that it was for more than just the personal blessing of the deep friendship that we enjoy.
Wendy is the owner of Perfect Fit Web Design, and has stayed on the cutting edge of web design, authoring, and production throughout her career. The fantastic, uncompromising element that has brought new life and ease of access to the resources IRSM provides, is not just her skills and experience, but her passionate love for God and his work. Thank you, Wendy!
Through our newly redesigned website, you now have ease of access to our daily blog, audio files, online store, calendar of upcoming events, seminar information, small group resources, online donations, volunteer form, and even our YouTube channel!
Can you tell how excited I am to unveil this resource and continue to share more of the resources God has equipped us to make available to women and women’s ministries across the Americas?!
The newly redesigned Spanish website is coming soon and will offer the same features, with a few additional resources for our Spanish-speaking sisters and mission points.
Please join us in prayer as more women are reached with the tools to connect to God and one another more deeply. And if you are able to financially help us continue to make these resources available, please consider a contribution to offset the discounted cost of the website redesign and also our growing Intern Program.
Thank you! And please share our new website (same address) with others: www.IronRoseSister.com
Transformed by New Experiences
Transformation, many times, comes through an opportunity to do something new, something we have never before experienced. New opportunities come with a mingling of excitement and fear.
One example of transformation through new experiences came about through one of the bilingual women's retreats we have realized as a ministry. For many, it was definitely something new and unknown.