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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR 72145
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Prayer and Victory
Prayer is communication with God and one aspect of that is turning over to him the weight of the battles we face. And when we lay our burdens at the feet of our Heavenly Father, He walks with us in the battle toward victory—a process impossible without prayer.
In addition to communication and deepened relationship with God through prayer, when we pray together, we increase our communication and deepen our relationships with one another as well. When we share in our struggles through prayer, as patterned in the Common Threads, we remember that we not alone and we are strengthened on the journey.
We rejoice in the victory together with those who have walked with us through the battle as prayer warriors.
And so I thank each of you for rejoicing with us in the victory God has granted IRSM in 2016—the number of women across the Americas equipped with the tools to connect to God and one another more deeply.
What victory can you rejoice in today? Or what battle can you lift up with someone else to the Father?
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Written by Debora Rodrigo de Racancoj
Many of us have followed Christ for years. We attend church regularly. And many of us may not miss any of the weekly meetings offered at our church. We read the Bible regularly, more or less. In fact, many of our Bibles are worn out from using them. They may be full of marks and highlights. We may even be able to recite some of its passages by memory. And in many of our lives, it is easy to find moments dedicated to God in one way or another. But one of the activities in which we, today's Christian women, most commonly fail is in prayer. That moment alone with God is set aside during the little time the daily chores leave us. It may happen that, like many of us, prayer is your pending assignment.