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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR 72145
IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.
In the Breach
Written by Débora Rodrigo de Racancoj
I know that feeling. I have experienced it many times. God, who knows my situation, who observes me from his Holy throne, sees all this injustices occurring on earth, His earth, which He created with His voice. Why does not He do anything? He has the solution in His hand. A simple word from Him is enough for the injustice that is destroying the people around me to cease; for the battle in which I have been buried all this time to end ... Why, Lord?
What We Are Praying for Today
What we are lifting to God in prayer today on behalf of Iron Rose Sister Ministries
Thanks for joining us in the 24-hour Prayer-a-thon, Friday, February 24!
Here is a summary of the things we are praying for and a few updates from when the Prayer Guide was shared at the beginning of the month.
• The doors God has opened to bless and equip more than 2,500 women annually across the Americas. And all the God stories!
• Prayer Warriors, Financial Supporters, and our Board of Directors
• Erica Peck, part-time Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator; Mackenzie Lancaster, 2017 summer intern; all of our volunteers and travel partners!
• Listening to God as a ministry and as individuals
• God’s wisdom in IRSM growth and direction
• God’s provision: financial and workers
• The impact God can make in the kingdom through IRSM: families, churches, individuals, and the world
Speaking Engagements
• February 18 – Online Seminar through Texas International Bible Institute
• February 24-25 – WINGS, Harding University, Searcy, AR
• March 5 – Sunday morning Bible class in Spanish, Northwest Church of Christ, Denver, CO
• March 8 – Kick-off of Who Has the Last Word? study, Northwest Church of Christ, Denver, CO