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PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR 72145
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Our PART in Prayer
There are various ways to pray and patterns for prayer. The command to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thes. 5:16) does not specify how we are to pray.
Jesus provides one pattern and instructions in Matthew 6 and Luke 11.
Another pattern to follow is to look at our PART in prayer—the four elements of prayer listed below.
For today’s spiritual discipline, I invite you to pray using this structure.
Lectio Divina
Today, I invite you to go through the steps of the spiritual discipline known as Lectio Divina. This discipline can be practiced with any portion of Scripture.
Before you start, spend some time in silence, preparing your mind to hear what God says to you through that passage of Scripture.
The chosen verses (Philippians 1:3-11 or whatever verses you choose) are read four consecutive times, each time asking a different question and following each step with another period of silence.