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1 peter 2 21I love going to the beach: the sound of the waves, the sea air, and the hot sand between my toes... The water draws me in and I spend a good amount of time swimming and riding the waves. However, after a time, I love to walk along the shore, sinking my feet in the wet sand and kicking the waves as they crash into the shore.
As I walk, I take deep breaths of sea air, marveling in the wonders of creation. But, looking the other direction, I also love to people watch. Some of favorite things to see are the families: moms making sand castles with their princesses or dads throwing balls with their sons. Babies’ knees are red from crawling in the sand, but their joy is unquenchable as they splash in the water. And then there are the toddlers: barely having mastered walking, they waddle along, spending an unmeasurable amount of energy.
One specific memory I have is of a son, maybe five years old, walking along behind his father.

As the dad walked along the shore, he left footprints in the sand. The son, whose legs were not yet as long as his father’s, leaped with each step to try and land in each of his father’s footprints. The son longed to follow in His father’s steps. And, with time, practice, and growth, he will someday walk, stride for stride, with his father.
Jesus calls us to follow in His steps. He not only provides the exclusive way to the Father, but He also equipped us to know how to walk the walk along that way.
21 For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps. (1 Pet. 2:21)
Jesus walked the walk as He talked the talk.
Peter continues his firsthand observations of Jesus’ time on earth in the next two verses of 1 Peter, chapter 2:
22 He committed no sin, neither was deceit found in his mouth.23 When he was reviled, he did not revile in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly.
What does it mean for you to follow in Jesus’ steps?

Even if you feel like you don’t measure up or are leaping like the five-year-old behind his father, don’t give up! Jesus left us His example and His word guides us as we walk along the way. On Monday, we will explore what happens when we feel like we misstep or deviate from the path.

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