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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR 72145
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Prayer Echoes from the Past
Each year, I select a different theme for my personal Bible study and for my prayers. 2013 was Human AND Holy, which inspired the book by the same title. Transformation characterized my life and the ministry’s in 2014. In 2015, I prayed for God’s provision: financial and workers. Wisdom focused my prayers for 2016 and last year, 2017, we concentrated on listening. This year, the emphasis of our prayers is on growth as we experience some growing pains and reflect on what God says about growth through Scripture.
One of the unique characteristics of growth and blessings of prayer is to look back. We can see answered prayers from the past. We remember how far we have come. We repeat prayers that continue to shape our perspective. And we reflect on God’s faithfulness at every turn.
The prayers throughout my life become the stepping stones for the direction God now carries me. And many of the prayers from my past echo in my current murmurings.
As my humanity threated to overshadow my holy calling, I look to Christ’s example and pray, “Not my will but Yours be done.”
Transformation seems elusive, yet I look to the discontented caterpillar, later struggling to exit the chrysalis for inspiration as a beautiful butterfly. And I thank God for His creation as an example of transformation.
We continue to pray for God’s provision: financial and workers, remembering the promises in Scripture that “His faithfulness continues throughout all generations” (Ps. 100:5, 119:90). Even the wisest man to walk this earth continued to seek counsel with His Father through prayer. And so, we listen for God’s wisdom as He leads us in this time of growth.
What are your personal prayers for this year? Or what are prayers you have focused on in the past that you are now revisiting?
Thank you for joining us in prayer this month! And don’t forget to sign up for a 15-minute time slot to pray this Saturday!
#IronRoseSister, #prayer
Thank You, We Need You!
Today’s prayer is one of thanksgiving for our generous supporters. You are what makes it possible for God to continue to work through and in us, equipping women across the Americas. We thank you and we honor you today!
These reminders of God’s past provision fuel my prayers, like those listed on the calendar for this Friday: for His continued financial provision and more workers. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few” (Matt. 9:37).
When fears arise, my doubts threaten to take over. But then, I identify with Sarah, laughing at my own faith in God’s provision (Gen. 18:12), yet even Abram’s faith was counted to him as righteousness before he was even fully revealed the promise of a son (Gen. 15:6). God is faithful. And I trust He has called us to this task, to meet this need, for such a time as this (Esth. 4:13).
The growing pains continue, but we are not alone! And we would love for you to join in this equipping journey.
Want to use your skills and talents in the kingdom? We need people in the following areas to help us equip more women to connect to God and one another more deeply, as Iron Rose Sisters.
• Marketing
• Social media
• Graphic design
• Video production
• Small business/nonprofit experience
• Board of Directors experience
• PR/Communications
• Fundraising
We need your help! I would love to pick your brain, get you involved, partner our passions.
There are many parts of the body, but one head. When we each do what God has uniquely equipped us to do, He gets the glory and the body does its best work.
Thanks for being who you are and doing what you do as supporters and prayer warriors for IRSM!
#IronRoseSister, #prayer, #thanks, #workers, #volunteers