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Our Part is Important
Written by Kath Bittner, volunteer of Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colorado Springs, CO.
“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.” (Ephesians 4:16)
Have you ever wondered about the little things in life? You know, those obscure things we would probably miss if faced with suddenly not having them. First sip of morning coffee. Fresh sheets. Grins. Earlobes. Good hair day. On the surface, these things appear to be inconsequential in the whole scheme of life. Yet we are often wholly dependent on these peripheral parts.
I am reminded of a time when I sprained my pinky toe on a coffee table. Before that moment, I would go each day without any mind to that particular toe. It was there, yes, but it never seemed to be of any real significance. After spraining it, though, I realized just how significant a part of my body it was. Walking was awkward. Wearing socks or shoes was agonizing. Pedicures fell by the wayside and my feet became calloused and dry. Foot rubs were a no-go, too. I missed them on those long days of chasing toddlers. And I felt life would be so much easier if the toe just wasn’t there. What good was it doing?
Sometimes as women, our spiritual life can feel like this. We may see our roles as insignificant to the whole body of Christ. Many times we serve behind the scenes as a church secretary, children’s or women’s bible class teachers, building custodian, communion preparers, etc. We may feel as though these are mundane parts, but they are as crucial to the work of God as any other in the church.
“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” (1 Corinthians 12:4-6)
No matter what part you play in the body of Christ, it is significant. The same Spirit that moves the preacher, song leader, elders and deacons, and even the apostles is the same Spirit that works in you. In whatever you do.
Women in the background have been renown throughout biblical history and were of great importance in the kingdom. Dorcas (Acts 9:36), Priscilla (Romans 16:3, Acts 18:26), and Mary Magdalene (Luke 8:1-3, Mark 15:40-41) all had meaningful parts in the life and work of Jesus.
“Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)
How we do our part is much more important than what part we play. If our part is done “without selfish ambition or vain conceit” (Philippians 2:3) then whatever we do matters.
"God has made us what we are. In Christ Jesus, God made us to do good works, which God planned in advance for us to live our lives doing.” (Ephesians 2:10)
Our part is important because the Lord God has called us to do it. There is no small part.
No Small Part
You may feel like the pinky fingernail of the body of Christ, but when the ear itches, you are the perfect one to take care of the problem.
The communion trays need to get filled. The unleavened bread does not make itself.
The third graders need class teachers. The bathrooms need cleaning. The widow longs for a visitor. The new mom is pulling her hair out and needs a break. The teenager needs encouraging.
There is no small part in the body. Many of the behind-the-scenes tasks of the church are thankless jobs, but they are no less valuable.
A recent commercial for a job placement company highlights the fact that though you weren’t the person to walk on the moon, there were many others who contributed to that effort. In the commercial, the person sweeping the floor is honored as a part of the team. The movie Hidden Figures celebrates the African American women who did many of the math calculations to ensure that every detail of the rocket and trajectory were correct.
After the national championship, Heisman winner Joe Burrow thanked many of the people who never saw the field, “So many people put so much work into this—from athletic trainers, equipment staff, players, coaches, chefs, dining room assistants.”
Whether in work, in sports, in the church, or on a project, every single person is an important member of the team. The face of the team may hold up the prize or receive the acclaim, but it would’ve been impossible had it not been for the many small parts others played along the way.
In the body and in the church, there are no small parts. What small part can you play today? What is a thankless task that is part of the big picture that you can contribute to?
Matthew 19:13-15
Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” And he laid his hands on them and went away.
See also 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.