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Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

GRH We Hold blog 7.8.2020In the midst of the pandemic, it is much harder to stay connected in the traditional ways. There is less physical contact. Face masks, which are necessary for our protection, can physically mask a lot of the facial expressions and body language that we use to feel connected. Virtual gatherings have replaced in-person gatherings.

We all long to be back together again, praising God through song as one voice. Some friends are tallying how many hugs they owe one another once we can be together again.

In the meantime, I want to share with you a song I wrote the semester before graduating from Harding University. It has also been published in the book In God’s Right Hand: Whom Shall I Fear? This song is my prayer for you today.

God’s Right Hand We Hold
Will you think and pray for me
As I think and pray for you?
While we’re apart in time and space
It’s all that we can do.

Our lives are held in God’s hands,
He is in control.
When so many things tear us away,
God’s right hand we hold.

We both call God our Father,
Our bond is more than friends.
And through the blood of Jesus,
The friendship never ends.

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