Fear and Fire
Fear was at its peak. I was not afraid of spending five days alone – just me and God. I was not afraid of finding the right time or inspiration to write – although I’m sure Satan will attack in that area soon enough. I was afraid of getting to the cabin in my front-wheel drive Toyota Corolla. I was afraid of being able to start a fire in the wood-burning stove and keeping it going enough to keep myself warm, especially my fingers since typing was one of the main things I would be doing!
Fear is a powerful tool of Satan and he loves to attack when we are at our weakest. As I stared into the fire that I was able to get going (yay!), I was reminded of its ability to burn away the impurities and its ability to keep us warm. Fear is like a cold chill that permeates our body. It can shake us to our core. However, our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29), a refiner’s fire (Malachi 3:2-3), and He promises us a kingdom that cannot be shaken (Hebrews 12:28). What a promise!
Alone Time with God and a Sabbath of Blog Writing
I leave tomorrow after church for a cabin in Leadville, Colorado, where I will spend a week in prayer, concentrated writing, and study for the next book, speaking engagements, and at least a few blog posts. It is scheduled to snow three of the five days I will be there, but I think that will make for great alone time with God, just as Jesus Himself would go to the mountains to find (see chapter 10 of Human AND Holy for more details on Jesus’ and our need for alone time with God).
In light of this time way and some technological difficulties with the website and Facebook page, I will also take a short break from posting the daily blog and will start back up in full force in February. Thank you for staying posted and when I return, we will also set up a way for you to subscribe to the blog (receive it in your email).
Blessings on you this week and I appreciate your prayers for me as well.