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You can also mail checks, made out to IRSM, to:

Iron Rose Sister Ministries
PO Box 1351
Searcy, AR  72145

IRSM is a 501(c)(3), so donations are tax-deductible.

Iron Rose Sister Ministries (IRSM) is hosting a prayer-a-thon next Tuesday, March 4th.  It is a day of action (March 4th: march forth – get it?).  We are calling you to action and counting on God’s promises of action and blessing for IRSM.

Please sign up to participate as a pray-er and/or a donor for the prayer-a-thon.  There are 15 minute time slots available to pray, and we encourage you to find people to sponsor you from $1 to $100 a minute for the time you have committed to praying.

Click here for additional information.

 Specific Prayer Requests for March 4th Prayer-a-thon

1.    Current and future IRSM groups meeting
- that the women will grow in their relationship with each other and with God
- currently studying Human AND Holy interactive study guide available at and at

2.   The goal of reaching all 50 states and 18 Spanish-speaking Latin American countries
- currently in 10 states and 11 countries

3.    Upcoming speaking engagements
- that God will speak through Michelle
- March 28 – 30 in Juneau, Alaska (English)
- April 4 – 6 in Silver Spring, Maryland (Spanish)
- April 25 – 27 in San Diego, California (English)
- May 28 – June 3 in Bogotá, Colombia (Spanish)
- June 4 – 11 in Buenos Aires, Argentina (Spanish)

- September 19 – 20 in Houston, Texas (Bilingual)

4.    A contract with the right publishing company
- that God will lead us and bless us
- that the new book Who has the Last Word? Cutting through Satan’s lies with the truth of God’s Word will be well-received
- that the publishing company be one that has international experience for distribution, Spanish experience for editing and marketing, and whatever else God knows we need in a partnership with Iron Rose Sister Ministries 

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