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Joy in the Common Threads
As we close out the month on Joy and Contentment, I pray you have delighted in these posts. I also pray they have been a challenge and encouragement to you.
And as a lead-in to next month's topic: Community, I invite you to do the Common Threads with a friend on the topic of Joy and the verses that have been shared this past month. The Common Threads are a way of making any lesson very personal and practical.
So, ask yourself and share with a friend:
- How you'd like to grow and bloom in joy - Be specific!
- A thorn you'd like to remove - Maybe a negative attitude?
- An area in which you are striving to dig deeper or need to have someone hold you accountable.
- Close with an encouraging verse and some time in prayer together!
The Lord’s Joy
Children love to play peek-a-boo. They will initiate the game and no matter how many times they pop out from behind a chair, from under a blanket, or from a flowing curtain, they laugh with delight at the joy of seeing the delight reflected on our faces as well.
I am amazed that a child never tires of delighting in those little things.
And I am reminded that God never tires of delighting in us – whatever ‘little’ thing we have done. He delights to see his delight reflected in our faces. Simple as that. We are a delight to our heavenly Father.
May you delight in that truth today.