My maternal grandfather was a professor. My paternal grandma was a one-room school teacher. My mom is a teacher. Through direct and indirect ways, each of them taught me to teach. They modeled teaching and taught with their lives. They shared specific instructions about how to prepare a lesson, how to communicate a message, and how to connect with students.
One of the most important aspects of teaching is teaching to teach. I have heard it said that you really know if you’ve learned something if you’re able to teach it to someone else. 2 Timothy 2:2 says, “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”
I love that the reference for that verse is SECOND Timothy TWO:TWO. 2, 2, 2. It doesn’t stop with one. We have to teach to teach to teach in order for the message to reach everyone.
You may be intimidated by the concept of teaching, but whether you are a mother, a sister, an aunt, a niece, a friend, or all of the above, you have the opportunity to teach. Have you been inspired and transformed by what it means to truly teach? Whose example have you been transformed by?