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Nila2Written by Nilaurys Garcia, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Canada

If you ask two people what silence is for them, depending on their stage in life, they could have different meanings. For a mom of young children, it can be a feeling of victory because the kids finally fell asleep or a moment of alarm because they did something mischievous. For some, silence can be moments of peace and for others simply the calm before the storm. In music, a silence is a pause, but it is equally included in the music sheet. In my case it is a time to think, thank and enjoy.

I learned to love quiet moments when I can read a book or just listen to the wind. I also learned that when I stop, am quiet, and appreciate the silence, I can hear the voice of God. It may be different for you, but silence gives me happiness, it is my time for reflection and listening.

A couple of years ago I did a month-long study with a friend of Psalm 46:10, which says, "Be still and know that I am God.” Since the moment I read it, I knew that the “be still” part was going to be harder for me. It's not that I'm hyperactive, but I don't like to be doing nothing. It seems a bit unproductive, no offense. I like to multitask and optimize time in the best possible way. You could say that it is hard for me to rest and take breaks. You may have read in another of my stories how this attitude brought me health problems, but I learned (after several failed attempts). I learned and recognized that I had to be still and quiet to connect with God because if my voice was louder than His, I would not be able to hear Him.

These moments always remind me of the story of Elijah when in 1 Kings 19 the Lord appeared in a gentle whisper, “The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. (1 Kings 19:11-13)

Whenever I need to make a decision or I am spending conscious time with God, I take a deep breath, close my eyes for a few minutes, and try to hear His voice. You may not be able to do that in a moment when you need God's guidance and you are in a place with many distractions, but if you consciously take two minutes to pay attention, I assure you that you will hear God telling you what to do.

Personally, I identify that I have made good decisions or that I have let myself be guided when I have no doubts, buts, or fears in my mind. I call this mental noise. When my mind is silent and still (something I already mentioned is hard for me), I am amazed at what I can think. I made a commitment to God and to myself that I would seek moments of silence and to stand still so that He could act in my life rather than act by having Him on the side. It is not the same to lead God in your life than to have your life be led by God. The difference is that in the first sentence you are the main character and in the second God is.

It amazes me that Elijah knew that the Lord was in the whisper and not in the other signs, although He is in all the moments of our lives and can speak to us in a thousand ways. I invite you to stay still and be quiet to listen to His voice. Practice listening to Him daily and getting rid of the mental noise to hear the whisper, learn from the silence and accept it as a moment of connection and guidance. You may not achieve it on the first try, but I know you can achieve it.

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