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OSR coverWritten by Michelle J. Goff, Director of Iron Rose Sister Ministries

Obedience is a bending of our own will to the will of another, usually someone in authority. No one can serve two masters. We apply this truth to God and money, but it applies to God and any facet of “self” that has not surrendered to Him.

The Spirit gave me the word “obedience” when I first felt that it was the right time to write One Single Reason: Conversations with Single Women. Over the course of the project, I came to discover a renewed and heightened understanding of that word. God ushered me into an affirmation of His faithfulness that could only be tasted through my obedience.

At times, the obedience provided comfort. I was simply doing what God had asked me to do. At other moments, the obedience provided clarity. God had not called me to please the myriad of groups who wanted me to be their poster child for their cause through this book. Sometimes, the obedience implied discomfort and sacrifice. What God had asked me to do was not easy. Finally, the obedience implied rest and trust. When I trusted God and His guidance through the process, I could rest in the truth that He would do His part if I obediently did mine.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to Him and He will direct your paths” (Prov. 3:5-6).

Obedience is monumentally more difficult without trust—quite nearly impossible.
Obedience through the pain means that I trust that the pain will be worthwhile and that it is only temporary, not eternal.
Obedience over time means that it is not conditional on when I feel like being obedient.
Obedience is a decision, a commitment, a fulfilled promise.

My obedience required relentless perseverance, continual submission, and complete trust.

What I didn’t know when I first answered God’s call to be obedient in the writing of this book is what other areas of obedience were included in this package deal…

Obedience to writing One Single Reason meant that I had to be obedient in a painful healing process—not just about being single.
Obedience to hearing and sharing more of the stories of other women meant that I had to be obedient and faithful to their voices.
Obedience to researching God’s Word and His will as it related to the topic of singleness meant that I had to be obedient to challenge whatever I did or didn’t think previously—to represent His voice accurately and respectfully.

Obedience may not be easy, but it is most definitely worthwhile. When it is modeled and practiced, we begin to realize all the facets of what God has designed and desired for His disciples.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matt. 28:19-20)

All authority in heaven and on earth had been given to Jesus... And a significant part of His final charge to the disciples was to obey what He had commanded, to teach others how to obey what He had commanded.

Obedience to God also comes with the promise that He is will us always, to the very end of the age. Obedience facilitates greater intimacy of relationship with God. It may isolate us from some of the other relationships in our lives, but we are given that choice.

God invites us to choose obedience. It is not a demand that we robotically follow His arbitrary commands. Rather, it is an opportunity to the abundant life, promised to those who choose to follow, to surrender their own will, to trust in our Creator and Heavenly Father who knows our needs and loves us unconditionally.

My own story of obedience is also riddled with moments of disobedience. I do not share my story of obedience as a perfect model. God redeemed my moments of distrust and doubt, and ushered me into a renewed commitment to obedience.

The fruit of that obedience has been the blessing of encouraging, equipping, and empowering single and single-again women through One Single Reason: Conversations with Single Women. When we are obedient, we can be a catalyst for others’ obedience, as well.

Thank you for partnering with us on our obedience journey! If there is a specific way in which we can pray with you on your own obedience journey, please let us know! Finally, we would love to hear some of what obedience means to you. Is there a part of your obedience story you would be willing to share?


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