She Did Banner

For the month of March, we are asking you to join us in our campaign entitled “She Did What She Could.”  This theme comes from Jesus honoring the woman in Mark 14:8 who poured perfume on His body as he approached His death. He also honored the widow in Mark 12 who generously gave all she had at the temple.

Our goal is to raise $25,000 toward our future Ambassadors program. We want to offer in-person seminars and video series that equip women to equip others… to “do what she could” in women’s ministry, as leaders in small groups of women, as speakers, and as advocates of our equipping resources.

You can donate, or even better, use the form below to let us know how you will inspire others to give.

Donate Toward Our Ambassadors Program  Buy a Shirt  How to Set Up a Personal Fundraiser

Campaign Volunteer Interest Form

Contact Information

United States +1

This is how I commit to "Do What I Can Do"

These projects don't necessarily have to happen in March. Just let us know in March what your plans are.

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