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I choose to persevere in faith
~ Contributed by an anonymous Iron Rose Sister
I was reading Acts 13 this morning and noticed something that I don't remember noticing before. Luke is talking about the teachers of the early church and mentions Manaen (who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch).
I began thinking God always seems to arrange for people of faith to be in the places of power. My thoughts moved on to how Moses and Manaen decided to use the knowledge they learned in these situations versus how Pharaoh and Herod used the same upbringing. I know Pharaoh and Moses weren't raised side-by-side, but in both cases choices were made for or against putting God first. I also thought of Joseph, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and Nehemiah and how they choose to stick to their faith when employed in positions of power.
Most of us women are not in positions of political power, but we are in powerful positions to pass the faith on to the next generation.
In my case there was a large consequence to my mental health while standing firm despite the "no confidence" vote vocally proclaimed by my in-laws while I was pregnant. I know a stronger faith would have helped me focus on God's approval and not on trying to maintain my principles while keeping peace in the family.
However, I did make a choice to persevere in faith. My reward was a son who is helping me heal, who studies spiritual truths much deeper and broader than I ever did, and is teaching/encouraging me, and others to stand firm in the faith. Thank God for such a powerful blessing for the last third of my life!!!
God makes an impact through IRSM at conference
Written by Katie Finch
Going into this conference, I was not sure exactly what to expect and we had a bumpy start with some unplanned surprises. But it did not take long for God to make clear to me that He was present and He was working.
It all started when a group of women who did not know one another gathered to pray early Friday morning and almost instantly the Christian bond drew us closer as we opened our hearts to God and each other.
Psalm 100 made for a focused opening and Paul´s prayer over the Ephesians in chapter 3 brought all of our thoughts to a close. In the interim, women partnered in groups of two or three to pray together over the categories that Michelle would announce periodically. The topics began broadly and moved to the more specific and personal as we progressed.
Many of our prayers were answered through the various aspects of the International Gathering of the Church of Christ, in Orlando, Florida—seven people was baptized; God spoke through each of the presenters; the youth were uplifted through their program; volunteers took excellent care of the children; lives were touched; and God was glorified.
For me, it was my first experience seeing first-hand the impact that this ministry is having in the lives of women everywhere. So many were ecstatic for the release of the new book and many others were hungry for more after Michelle’s lesson.
God’s Word is igniting and it was a huge blessing to know that all the hard work we have been putting into this ministry is truly making a difference in women’s lives by bringing them closer to each another and to God.