Every Role Matters
Written by Rianna Elmshaeuser, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Colorado
You are the main character in your story. Everyone in your life is a supporting character or background extra. But rather than asking ourselves what everyone else’s role is in our lives, the question we need to be pondering is, who am I in God’s story? Am I a background character? Am I a lead role or an extra? There are natural objections to this idea that will come to the mind of the average Christian. After all, God has an important role for each of us—a purpose—and that is absolutely correct.
But let’s take a moment and imagine a movie that has only the lead character in it. It is flat and uninteresting. There is no one to help move the plot along, no one to create drama, no colorful characters having coffee in the background of a coffee shop. Extras, background characters, supporting roles, and lead roles are all crucial to creating a vivid and exciting story.
Keep this thought in mind as we look at the relationships of Paul, Silas, Barnabas, and Timothy. The partnership between Paul and Barnabas begins in Acts 13 and continues until they have a falling out in Acts 15. Their partnership begins at the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:2 tells us, “…the Holy Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them’” (ESV). After this event, they are sent out into a whirlwind of ministry and trouble. They would enter a city and preach, then be forced to flee from persecution. Throughout these chapters, it is only Paul’s sermons that are recorded.
The Apostle Paul was the greatest evangelist of the early church, if not of all time, aside from Jesus, of course. But would Paul have been able to keep on through persecution and being stoned without so faithful a friend as Barnabas? When Paul was lying on the ground outside the city where the Jews had thrown his mangled body, assuming him dead, would he have had the strength to get up without his friends surrounding him? Perhaps we are not a Paul, the lead role who stirred up every city he entered, converted thousands upon thousands, and wrote a large portion of the New Testament. But the Pauls of today need a Barnabas beside them, encouraging them, picking them up when they are down, and standing beside them when hard times come.
Silas had a similar role in God’s story. He was a partner and friend to Paul after his disagreement with Barnabas. Again, none of Silas’s sermons are recorded, only Paul’s, but they were together in the thick of it. When they were both beaten and thrown in prison, would either of them have found the strength to continue without the other? Imagine being in the dark in chains, badly beaten, and then you hear the clinking of chains and feel your friend’s hand on your arm as they begin to pray with you. As you pray, your hearts grow lighter and you both break into song, praising God. Friendships are of utmost importance and can serve as the guardrail that keeps people from careening over the edge into darkness.
Lastly, consider the relationship of Paul and Timothy. Paul and Silas met Timothy in Derbe and Lystra. Timothy was a young man whose mother and grandmother were believers, but his father was not. He was well spoken of by the church and Paul took him under his wing. We know from 1 Timothy 1:2 that they grew so close that their relationship became that of a father and son. Paul refers to Timothy as, “…my true child in the faith.”
Perhaps you are the one that needs mentoring or maybe you know someone that needs a mentor. On the hero’s Journey, there is always a mentor for the young hero who passes on wisdom to the upcoming generation. Today we do not have to look very far to find a young person struggling along in need of a mentor. Even young ones who come from a believing home need a mentor. Parents cannot be everywhere and see everything all the time. They need others to fill in the gaps.
If you have asked yourself, “What role do I play in God’s story,” and concluded that you are not a lead, rest assured that your role is just as important as someone in the spotlight. Even the people who are not mentioned by name had important roles in the ministry of Paul. They sent money, prayers, and letters encouraging him and other saints. Every person has an important part to play in the story of God, even if it seems negligible by human standards. What is your role in God’s story?
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He Is Always There
Written by Johanna Zabala, volunteer with Iron Rose Sister Ministries in Ecuador
We cannot always be there to teach others directly, but God, the Architect of Life, in His great promise of love, left us the great Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who will always be with us to guide and teach us (John 14:26).
From the beginning, our Creator has given us precious samples of His immense faithfulness (Gen. 1-2; Ps. 19). For this reason, my beloved, when Jesus was here on earth, He experienced situations similar to ours. He was born, raised, taught, modeled, died, and rose again out of love for all mankind (John 3:16-17). For this reason, I certainly consider that when we read about His life and work, He teaches us infinite truths that only come from Him.
By living a life in Christ, there are many opportunities that, as Christian women, mothers, daughters, and citizens, we have to teach and instruct each other. We likely communicate knowledge in different ways and in different situations where we find ourselves. Daring to teach and instruct the precepts of the Heavenly Father is a divine privilege that leads us to obey His commandment to go and make disciples in every nation, teaching them what He Himself has commanded in order to increase their faith and belief that He will be with us every day until the end of the age (Matt. 28:16-20).
From the moment I was baptized, I have been learning to be a disciple of the Lord. My brothers and sisters in the same faith were in charge of igniting the flame of instructing me in the path leading me to fulfill the most significant profession of serving the Almighty. Some of them are no longer here on earth, but I continue with the teachings that they instilled in me.
I became a mother at the same time that I met God, and I am grateful with all my being, and to the glory of God, because my first daughter grew up in the instruction of fearing and loving the Lord; this brings peace to my heart (Prov. 22:6). Confident in the divine magnificence and in biblical promises, I have always believed in the power of the Holy Spirit and His guidance in everything that lies ahead and as the light that illuminates my feet in each step that I take (Ps. 119:105).
In my experience as a mother, I can say that the transformation that has been done in me served as an example and will continue to show steps for my daughter to continue growing toward the goal of gaining eternal life.
Every day, immersed in faith, I have learned to be constantly under the direction of the Holy Spirit, sharing the Word, praying and being in communion with others, continuing to follow the example of Christ, who despite not being here physically, allows us to follow His beautiful footsteps while holding His hand.
The particular result that we achieve, by learning directly from the grace of the One who knows everything, allows me to continue in the lessons learned, and to continue teaching others in this way at all times. When I no longer am among my friends and loved ones, I know that they will know how to advance in the footsteps of the Master and His teachings, and this conviction arises from His love and from continuing to follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit.
At this moment, my daughter and I are pilgrims or foreigners in other people's lands, and the Holy Spirit has given us many lessons for our edification. I am sure that if we are separated due to travel or other situations, we can remember those lessons to encourage us to always continue learning and teaching others.
The certainty that He is always there and that He will be there until the end of the age motivates me, and hopefully all of us, to consider that, even when we are no longer here, our children, students, or disciples will not deviate for any reason from His commandments and the ultimate goal of eternity with God.
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