Picking up where we left off
Yesterday, I was blessed to visit with two of my old roommates from college. One lives only an hour away now and the other was in town visiting from North Carolina. We have many memories and stories from our college days, but we reserve those for late nights and embarrassing moments.
The thought I want to highlight today is the blessing of being able to pick back up right where we left off in any previous conversation. The foundation has been established; we know who each other are; we've lived as roommates and seen each other's faults. And at this stage in life, our paths have been so vastly different, but the common bond of those college years remains.
We mention each other in our prayers and we long for the days we can spend time together and catch up. The catching up is often interrupted by children, but even that is a welcome distraction as it is a part of our current lives (or at least theirs) and an aspect that is worthy of sharing.
Who do you have a foundational bond with that you have lost touch with? An old college friend? A classmate from elementary school? With modern technology, it's easy to drop that person a line and say that you're thinking of them or praying for them. Throwback Thursday is a great opportunity to do just that :)
![Becky, Mandy, me, and Pam](
A powerful book
When was the last time you read a book you couldn't put down? I had trouble waking up on this Wake-Up Wednesday because I finally started reading The Help on my flight back to Denver from Baton Rouge yesterday. And once I started, I couldn't put it down. What a powerful story and a reminder that change can begin with one person and that hope is a powerful thing. I recommend the book.
I received a similar and greatly humbling compliment on my book this past Sunday of a similar nature. A sister in the church in Baton Rouge approached me Sunday morning after the retreat and said, "Michelle, I started reading your book this morning and I couldn't put it down. I had to exercise a lot of self-discipline to set it aside so I could make it to church on time this morning." I thanked her and thanked God for giving me the words to touch even one life in inspiration of the battle to be Human AND Holy.
You may not be a reader, but I challenge you to pick up a good book and be transformed. Allow it to be a wake-up reminder on this Wake-Up Wednesday and be challenged. If you choose to pick up Human AND Holy to read and study, you can order it through this website (eStore link) or the ebook is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Thanks! And have a blessed week.