For the past week or so I have been wrestling - the kind of wrestling that leads to restless nights, crazy dreams, changes in appetite, self-doubt, and a general state of confusion. Am I in a spiritual battle? Has my depression re-raised it's ugly, shadowed head again? Am I still recovering from my surgery a month ago? Or am I just overwhelmed by all that needs to be done for the ministry, the new book, etc? There's also the issue of the holidays and family dynamics, being in a new city, missing old friends... I don't know that I will get to the bottom of the cause of my wrestling, but I think that God has shed a little light on how He can use it.
I believe that for there to be effective writing that communicates to the heart and soul of whatever we are facing, it must come with a spirit of authenticity and vulnerability. Well, I'm there. God is allowing various circumstances and situations to strip away everything else and leave me with a dependance on Him.
I guess that makes for good timing to write the second book for Iron Rose Sister Ministries: "Who has the last Word?" I appreciate your prayers as God guides my words and leads my steps.
Joy and faithfulness through the ages
The picture below is of my Grandpa. He turned 94 this year and we look forward to visiting him the weekend after Christmas in Iowa.
On this Throwback Thursday, I would like to honor him and share with you the blessing of his constant support and prayers over the years as God has called me to full-time ministry and missions. Grandpa’s was the 1st pledge card Iron Rose Sister Ministries has received back after our recent newsletter. The short note written in his unmistakable handwriting brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my heart. Thank you, Grandpa.
Your legacy of faithfulness to family and church has been instrumental and I look forward to worshiping with Tent Chapel Church of Christ yet again this year.
May you be blessed with many smiles this holiday season like the one on your face here after receiving an instrument to crack the shells of the pecans you love so much.
P.S. The blanket pictured on the back of the couch is the same one that covers my office chair in the basement.